B1 OCR 21st Century Science Revision B1 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ScienceBiologyGCSEOCR Created by: zoeCreated on: 13-05-13 19:46 Differences between individuals of the same species are called... Variations 1 of 30 What are the two factors that cause variation... Genetic and Environmental 2 of 30 These carry the information needed for you to develop... Genes 3 of 30 Genes occur in long strings of... Chromosomes 4 of 30 Chromosomes are found in the________ of every cell.. Nucleus 5 of 30 Genes control development of different characteristics by issuing what to each cell... Instructions 6 of 30 Cells carry out instructions by producing... Protiens 7 of 30 An example of structural proteins... Collagen 8 of 30 Example of functional proteins... Enzymes 9 of 30 Our genetic make up is called our... DNA 10 of 30 Chromosomes normally come in... Pairs 11 of 30 Sex cells contain... Single Chromosomes 12 of 30 Different versions of the same gene are called... Alleles 13 of 30 Inheriting two alleles that are the same... Homozygous 14 of 30 Inheriting two alleles that are different... Heterozygous 15 of 30 The combination of alleles you have... Genotype 16 of 30 The characteristics you show... Phenotype 17 of 30 You need _______ recessive alleles to show the characteristic. Two 18 of 30 You only need ______ dominant allele to show the characteristic. One 19 of 30 A punnet square is an example of a... Genetic Diagram 20 of 30 The male sex chromosomes... XY 21 of 30 The female sex chromosomes... ** 22 of 30 The sex of an individual is determined by a gene on the Y chromosome called the... Sex Determining Region Y 23 of 30 Huntington's Disease... Caused by dominant allele, affects central nervous system 24 of 30 Symptoms of Huntington's Disease... Memory Loss, Involuntary Movement, Clumsiness, Mood Changes, Inability to Concentrate 25 of 30 Cystic Fibrosis... Caused by recessive alleles, affects cell membranes 26 of 30 Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis... Weight Loss, Difficulty in Breathing, Chest Infections, Difficulty in Digesting Food 27 of 30 One way of preventing genetic diseases... IVF 28 of 30 The procedure for embryo selection is called... Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis 29 of 30 Genetic tests could produce False... Positive or False negative results 30 of 30
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