B1 - you and your genes

  • Created by: BeeBee777
  • Created on: 20-09-13 11:30
Where are chromosomes found within a cell?
1 of 16
True or false - In humans, chromosomes are usually found in groups of four?
False - Chromosomes are usually found ingroups of two
2 of 16
What are alleles?
The Different versions of the same gene arecalled alleles
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How do genes control the differentcharacteristics we develop?
Each gene is a code for making a certain protein. proteins are the building blocks of cells.
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What does genotype mean?
This is the alleles that you inherit.
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Name the two types of sex cells?
Sperm - Egg
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What does phenotype mean?
The characteristics that an organism displays arecalled it's phenotype.
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Is a persons weight deternimed by genes, the environment or a combination of both?
A persons weight is determine by a combination of both their genes and the environment.
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How many chromosomes are found in sex cells?
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Why do children look a bit like both of theirparents but not identical to either?
Half of the child chromosomes come from eachparent.
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What is homozygous?
If you're homozygous for trait, you have twoalleles the same for that particular gene.
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What is hetrozygous?
If your hetrozygous for trait, you have two different alleles for that particular gene.
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What sex chromosomes do human males have?
They have an x and y chromosome
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How does a gene on one of the human sex chromosomes cause embryos to develop into males?
The y chromosome carries a gene which causes a specific protein to be produced this makes an embryo develop into a male as it grows.
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Is the allele for cystic fibrosis dominant or recessive
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What are the symptoms of cystic fibrosis?
Thick sticky mucus in the air passages, gut and pancreas.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


True or false - In humans, chromosomes are usually found in groups of four?


False - Chromosomes are usually found ingroups of two

Card 3


What are alleles?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do genes control the differentcharacteristics we develop?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does genotype mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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lisa linsdell


A good set of flash cards for use with OCR 21st Century Science B1 module. Detailed answers that will help with revision. Foundation level

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