B453 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Physical EducationLearning SkillsTraining MethodsGCSEOCR Created by: Bex1999Created on: 13-04-16 22:48 57842316 Across 1. Happens at low intensity for 20 mins working on cardiovascular endurance (10, 8) 6. Watching a peer perform a certain technique and applying it in your own game (7, 6) 7. Training improves the range of movement around joints and speed by stretching the muscles to avoid injury whilst perfoming (11, 8) Down 2. Changing different skills in certain situations until it becomes successful (5, 3, 5) 3. It could be watching David Beckham perform a free kick or Rebecca Adlington's push off (4, 6) 4. Doing training aerobically involves longer rests then doing it anaerobically this makes the intensity varied (8, 8) 5. Changing between sets and reps changes the improving area between power and strength (6, 8) 8. Works different muscle groups at stations (7, 8)
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