An ecosystem is a physical environment with a particular set of conditions, plus all the organisms that live in it. An ecosystem can be natural or artificial.
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Ecological Terms: Habitat
A habitat is the part of the physical environment where an animal or plant lives. An organism will have adapted to its habitat, so it may be restricted to living there. It may only eat the food there.
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Ecological Terms: Community
A community is the total number of individuals of all the different populations of plants and animals that live together in a habitat at any one time.
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Ecological Terms: Population
A population is the total number of individuals of the same species that live in a certain area.
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The animal kingdom can be divided into two major phyla. Animals without backbones are invertebrates, such as spiders and insects. Animals with backbones are vertebrates. The vertebrates can be further divided into classes, such as mammals and birds.
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Card 2
A habitat is the part of the physical environment where an animal or plant lives. An organism will have adapted to its habitat, so it may be restricted to living there. It may only eat the food there.
Ecological Terms: Habitat
Card 3
A community is the total number of individuals of all the different populations of plants and animals that live together in a habitat at any one time.
Card 4
A population is the total number of individuals of the same species that live in a certain area.
Card 5
The animal kingdom can be divided into two major phyla. Animals without backbones are invertebrates, such as spiders and insects. Animals with backbones are vertebrates. The vertebrates can be further divided into classes, such as mammals and birds.
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