Bach- Sarabande and Gigue 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicBach Sarabande and GigueASEdexcel Created by: Letta1999Created on: 26-04-16 12:07 Bachs Nationality German 1 of 37 Year Piece was released 1728 2 of 37 Suite this piece is part of Partitias 3 of 37 Instrument the piece would be contemporarily performed on Harpsichord 4 of 37 Inclusion of this note suggests use of harpsichord Low A 5 of 37 Type of melodic movement used in both pieces Conjunct, Stepwise 6 of 37 Gigue opens with this type of chord Broken 7 of 37 Melodic device used throughout Sequence 8 of 37 German melodic technique to develop motifs Fortspinnung 9 of 37 Sarabande Form Rounded Binary Form 10 of 37 Gigue Form Binary Form 11 of 37 Structural type of ending to each section Rhyming 12 of 37 Main tonality of both pieces Major-Minor 13 of 37 Tonic Key D major 14 of 37 Type of keys modulated to Closely Related 15 of 37 Type of Harmony Functional 16 of 37 Type of cadence all sections end with Perfect 17 of 37 Type of dissonance heard in bars 75 and 77 of Gigue Suspension 18 of 37 A type of dissonance used in bar 8 of Sarabande Seventh 19 of 37 Speed of harmonic rhythm leading to cadence Fast 20 of 37 Dissonance used to close sections of Gigue Appogiatura 21 of 37 Metre of the Sarabande Simple Triple 22 of 37 Beat emphasised in bar 2 of sarabande Two 23 of 37 Note length used in left hand of sarabande Quaver 24 of 37 Rhythmic technique used in both pieces Syncopation 25 of 37 Metre of the Gigue Compound Triple 26 of 37 The number of parts throughout sarabande Two 27 of 37 Texture of the Sarabande Melody Dominated Homophony 28 of 37 Texture of bar 2 of the Sarabande Monophonic 29 of 37 Textures used in gugue Fugue and Contrapuntal 30 of 37 Total number of parts used in Gigue at bar 17 Three 31 of 37 Texture of opening of the Gigue Monophonic 32 of 37 Type of melodic movement Conjunct 33 of 37 Types of chords used in melody of Gigue Broken 34 of 37 German technique of 'spinning out the melody' Fortspinnung 35 of 37 Melodic technique used in bars 3-4 of Gigue and 32 of Sarabande Sequence 36 of 37 Piece has a lack of... Dynamic Markings 37 of 37
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