Bach's St Matthew Passion
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- Created by: Katie Price
- Created on: 01-06-16 12:07
Key: Chorale No. 21
E Major
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Key: Chorale No. 23
Eb Major
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What chords does it travel to in Chorale No. 23
Relative Minor, Tonic and Dominant. = simple harmonic pace reflect simple declaration of faith.
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C Major chord (most remote tonal point) on the Word "agony"
Bar 12. Chorale No. 23
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Lots of Passing notes. "Alsdenn will ich dich fassen"
Bar 14. Chorale No.23
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Which Chorales use the same tune and the same harmony
Chorale No.21 No. 23 No.53 No.63 (different harmony) No.72 (different harmony)
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How many movements are there in the passion?
78 movements.
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Use of the neapolitain 6th chord. "Sorrowful"
Bar 10. Recitative No.24 (the agony in the garden)
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What is Jesus accompanied by? Bar 12-16 recitative no.24. Bar 15 Recitative No. 17.Bar 3 Recitative No.8.
"A halo of strings" convention established 100 years before Bach.
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Sylabic speech style word setting "der hieb gethsemane" - dotted rythmn for gethsemane.
Bar 3. Recitative No.24 (the agony in the garden)
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Where does it change from major to minor in a recitative
Bar 9-11 Recitative no.24 "agony in the garden" on the words "Und fing au zu trauen und zu zagen"
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Bass Part 12 bar ornate melisma "Donner" (thunder)
Bar 77-89 Chorus No.33 (Have lightning and thunder forgotten their fury)
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Dramatic Pause - Bach
Bar 108. Chorus No.33 (Have lightning and thunder forgotten thier fury)
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Dramatic Pause - Handel
Bar 92 Chorus No.44 (hallelujah!)
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The Harmony changes every 4 bars. (go up 4 every 4 bars) (B minor - E minor - A major- D major)
Bar 1 Chorus No.33 (have lighning and thunder forgotten their fury)
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Use of the circle of fiths (B-E-A-D)
Chorus No.33 (have lighning and thunder forggoten their fury)
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"Destroy them, dispoil them" - diminished chords, reflect passion to send Judas to hell for betraying Jesus.
Bar 125-133. Chorus No. 33 (Have lightning and thunder forgotten their fury)
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"Rachen" (revenge) Melisma.
Bar 25-27. Aria No. 41 (Endure, Endure)
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"Stechen falsche" Octave accending leap followed by 7th decending leap in vocal line.
Bar 7 Aria No.41. (Endure, Endure)
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Suspension (dissonance) "zungen stechen" - E held over a D minor chord.
Bar 11 Aria No.41 (Endure, Endure)
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Key : aria No.41 (Endure, Endure)
A minor.
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Eb Major tonality - far relation from first key.
Bar 22. Aria No.41 (Endure, Endure)
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Which two movements use the Viola De Gamba
Aria No.41 (Endure, Endure) Aria No. 66 (Come healing cross)
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Where does Jesus sing without strings to show how he has been abondedned?
"Eli, Eli, lemesabacthani" Bar 7-9 Recitiative No.71
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"Laut"evangalist sings A in bar of Ab major. (F7 chord)
Bar 6 Recitative No, 71 (now from the sixth hour)
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Fb "Finsternis" (Darkness) frm key of Eb dark pivot note between Eb to Ab major
Bar 2 Recitative No. 71 (Now from the sixth hour onwards)
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interupetion of crowds. "Der rufet dem Elias" (he calleth for elias)
Bar 15 -16 Recitative No. 71 (Now from the sixth hour onwards)
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"alerbangsten" Tenor sings Bb and Ab in C major Cadence reflect the word languish
Bar 8 Chorale No. 72 (be near me lord when dying)
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F# and G# Chromatism to empasis the word "dying"
Bar 2 Chorale No.72 (be Near me lord when dying)
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2 choirs singing in unison. Chorus No.78.
Bar 13-20 Bar 37-44, Bar 93 - 100 Bar 117- 124 Chorus No.78 (In tears of grief)
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Rhythm of Chorus No.78.
Serebande )baroquie triple time dance where the emaphasis is on the 2nd beat of the bar.
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Tonality of the end of the last movement.
C minor - Jesus' death reflected. Bar 128 No.78 (In tears of grief)
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"Aus und Zogan" - Tritone
Bar 3 No. 64 (After they had mocked him)
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"Kreuzigten" (crucify) melisma (unusual for recitative
Bar 5 No.64 (After they had mocked him)
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Diminshed 7ths
Bar 9. No.64 (After they had mocked him)
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Augmented triad - tension
Bar 8-9 No. 66 (come healing cross)
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"Leiden" (burden) melisma emphasises words.
Bar 24-25 No.66 (come healing cross)
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"look," "Look where?"
Figure D No.1 (come, ye daughters)
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Which Chorale acts as a reaction to the evangalist singing "and they spit upon him...
Choral No.63. react to the humilliation of christ by its musical elevation
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Eb Major
Key: Chorale No. 23
Card 3
Relative Minor, Tonic and Dominant. = simple harmonic pace reflect simple declaration of faith.
Card 4
Bar 12. Chorale No. 23
Card 5
Bar 14. Chorale No.23
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