Bacteria morphology
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- Created by: Tabitha
- Created on: 14-05-15 19:26
E.coli Gram Stain and facts
Gram -ve (Pink) Rod, G+C 48-52% K12 classic lab strain
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Gram postive cocci with G+C content 30%
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
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Neisseria miningitidus morphology
Gram -ve (Pink) Dicocci
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Bacteria that causes syphilis and morphology
Treponema pallidum - Gram -ve spirila
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Streptomyces Grams and use
Gram +ve (Purple) Branching hyphae + producing antibiotics (8700) High G+C 70%
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What does MRSA stand for?
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
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Bacteria that acid-fast stain is used for? and grams result?
Mycobacterium tuberulosis but considered grams +ve rod (High G+C)
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Name a gram +ve rod using in food production
lactobacillus acidphilus - yoghurt
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What do you treat Flagella with to thicken them?
mordant to visualise
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Why is coryneform sps interesting?
pleiomorphic - bacilli but cocci as they get older
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Whats a S-layer?
Surface layer - composed of protein an glycoprotein
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Define Binary fission
asexually reproduction - genome attached to membrane
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Facts about e.coli nucleic acid
4,200 genes, 88% for proteins
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Cytosol contains....
Ribosoms, inclusion bodies, vacuoles or specalised magnetosome
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Describe the cell walls of Gram +ve and -ve baterica
+ve - thick peptodiglycan wall, -ve - thinner peptidiglycan, with added outer membrane
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peptidoglycan structure
Corsslinked (N-acetyl) muramic acid and glucosamine - gives strength
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Whats a protoplast?
Cell minus cell wall
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Bacteria sps that makes spores
Bacillus and Clostridium
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Spore features...
V. resistant to heat/dessication/radiation/chemicals
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95% of any cell made up of....
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Other elements cell needs (mainly for enzyme fuctions)
K, Mg, Ca, Fe, (mangasese, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, copper)
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Word for using organic compound source
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Word for using inorganic carbon sources
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What are photo/chemo/litho-trophs?
Users of light/chemicals/reduced inorganic substances
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What are most pathogenic bacteria?
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Name a selective and differntial agar type and explain.
MacConkey - Bile salts select for gastric bac and differential due to pH indictor for lactose fermenters (red) or not (white)
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How to measure water availability? aw
Relative humidity/100
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Levels of salt Halo phillic/tolerant can bare?
2.8-6.2M / up to 3M
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pH levels for neurtro/acido/alkalophiles
5.5-8/0-5.5/8.5-11.5 but all maintain neutrophile internal pH
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Temps for psychro/meso/thermo/hyperthermo philes
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deinococcus radiodurans
Tolerance y-ray of x5,000 than that survived ever before
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Oligate aerobe/facultative anaerobe/aerotolerant/strict anaerobe/ mircoaerophile
need/prefer/ignore/toxic/2-10% O2 levels
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Yersinia pestis
Gram -ve rod
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Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Gram +ve pleurimorphic
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Streptococcus pyogenes
Scarlet fever Gram +ve cocci
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Bordetella pertussis
Whopping cough Gram -ve coccobacillus
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Bacillus anthracis
Anthrax - Gram +ve Rod
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Clostridum botulinum and Tentani
Gram + rods
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Vibrio cholerae
Gram -ve comma shaped
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Helicobacter pylori
Gram -ve bacillus
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Divisions within phylogeny taxonomy
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What make a microbial sps?
Share many stable properties, differ from other groups, similar G+C content and DNA-DNA hybridisation above 70%
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Which sequences are used for assessing similarity b/w bacteria sps?
16rRNA and house keeping genes
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Mycobacterium tuberulosis diagnosis and colony morphology
Mantax test or x-ray and granular on egg-potato media, take 6wks to grow
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Bacillus subtilis
Gram +ve, Low G+C 42%, spore making, and motile
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Methanococcus jannaschii
Archeae, hyerthermophile, obligate anaerobe, Low G+C 31%
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Eukaryota yeast example
S. cerevisae
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Classification of biological safety classes outlined
1. not known to cause disease 2.May cause but treatable and unlikely to spread 3.cause, might spread but treatable 4.serious high risk (often viruses)
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define Thermal death time (TDT)
shortest to kill or inactivate all microorganisms in suspension
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Explain Phenol coefficient
highest test dilution/highest phenol dilution - values above 1 are better than phenol
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Which and why type grams is resistant to pencillum
Gram -ve and outer membrane excludes it, must pass through porins (so modified pencillins work)
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Whats Kirby-Bauer used for?
Disk dilution - testing efficacy of antibiotics
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define bio-remediation
cleaning up pollution in the environment to return it to its orginial
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whats a spitzenkorper?
vesicle rich body which determines the direction of growth
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simplest unicellular fungi, can degrade cellulose and keratin
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coenocytic hyphae, contains 1+ haploid nuclei
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sac fungi, blue bread mould, candida
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club fungi, dikaryotic
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rusts obligate biotrophic parasites
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smuts - corn kennel u.maydis
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asexual only , mycorrhizal fungi
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unusual, obligate intracellular parasites, lack organelles, puncture infection of host cells
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7 types of baltimore classifcation of viruses
dsDNA, **DNA, dsRNA, **(+)RNA, **(-)RNA, **(+)RNA with DNA inter, dsDNA with RNA inter
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Which ones have RdRP/RdDp
dsRNA, **(+)RNA, **(-)RNA, **(+)RNA with DNA inter
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vaccines/ antivirals block ...?
Receptor binding proteins/ effectively enzymes
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Gram postive cocci with G+C content 30%
Card 3
Gram -ve (Pink) Dicocci

Card 4
Treponema pallidum - Gram -ve spirila

Card 5
Gram +ve (Purple) Branching hyphae + producing antibiotics (8700) High G+C 70%

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