What is used as a phylogenetic marker in bacteria, archea and eukaryotes? and why?
16S ribosomal RNA gene, it is small enough to sequence, acts as a molecular clock becuase of its degree of conservation and has an analogous subunit in eukarya and archea.
1 of 9
what is the difference between phenetic, phylogenetic, phenotype and genotype classification?
phenetic= based on observed characteristics Phylogenetic= based on evolutionary history phenoty[e= detectable characteristics genotype= sum total of all genetic information
2 of 9
waht are morphology, physiology and biochemistry looking at?
morphology= appreance physiology= interaction with environment biochemistry= what happens inside the cell
3 of 9
how do you work out viable cell count?
you use the colony forming units technique, you assume that every colony formed on a plate has come from one viable cells so number of colonies=number of viable cells
4 of 9
which microbes are the most heat tolerent?
ones containing endospores
5 of 9
which is more heat tolerent gram positive or negative? why?
gram positive as they have much thicker cell walls
6 of 9
what are the differences in coccus, rod, spirillum, spirochete, budding and filamentous morphologies?
coccus=small and round, rod= rod, spirillum= snake, spirochete=long wiggly, budding=balloon, filamentous=long and thin
7 of 9
what is the difference between saprophytes and parasites?
parasites feed off living things saprophytes require there food to be dead
8 of 9
what is the gram staining process? and results?
crystal violet then iodine which form a complex stainig the inside of the cell, the acentone rinse then died with safranin. Gram negative will have the complex washed so will stain pink whereas gram positive will retain the complex so will be purple
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is the difference between phenetic, phylogenetic, phenotype and genotype classification?
phenetic= based on observed characteristics Phylogenetic= based on evolutionary history phenoty[e= detectable characteristics genotype= sum total of all genetic information
Card 3
waht are morphology, physiology and biochemistry looking at?
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