Bacterial Infection 0.0 / 5 ? NursingApplied Life ScienceUniversityAll boards Created by: Lau-97Created on: 23-03-22 21:28 Prokaryotic (no enclosed nucleus), no mitochondria or membrane bound organelles Bacteria 1 of 8 Name 5 types of bacterial infections? Bacterial meningitis,pneumonia, gastritis, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases and skin infections 2 of 8 Antiphagocytic Protection against phagocytosis- bacteria produce thick capsules of carbohydrate or protein 3 of 8 Exotoxins Proteins released during bacterial growth (is a poisonous substance) 4 of 8 Endotoxins Released during lysis of bacteria- activates inflammatory response and produces fever 5 of 8 Bacteria transported in the blood due to failure of body’s defences Bacteremia 6 of 8 Antigenic variation Happens when the host develops protective levels of antibodies- bacteria responds by changing antigens and becoming resistant 7 of 8 Phagocytosis Call uses plasma membrane to engulf a particle 8 of 8
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