1. Telecommunications failure 2. Physical failure 3. Hardware failure 4. Invalid data 5. Computer and crime abuse 6. System design failure 7. Software failure
1 of 22
What are 8 aspects of the backup strategy
1. best time to back up 2. how often to back up 3. type of backup to use 4. whose responsibility to back up 5. testing recovery of backed up data 6. the media used 7. where media will be kept 8. log of backup
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Define backup
Keeping a second copy of current data so it can be restored in case of loss or corruption
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Define archiving
Removes old, no longer used data and stores it on removable media. The data is unlikely to be needed so stored offline but can be accessed if required.
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What is RAID
A fault tolerant system which uses a set of two or more disk drives instead of one to store data. By using two disks to store the same data, a fault in a disk is less likely to affect the system.
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What is disk mirroring
Storing identical data on two different disks. The mirror disk does not have to be stored in the same place. If main disk fails it is still available.
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What is online backup
Managing the back up of vast data warehouses that are stored by large systems.
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How are risks calculated
1. the likelihood of an event occurring 2. seriousness if an event does occur
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What is the criteria in selecting appropriate measures
1. cost of measures to protect against and recover from failure 2. potential cost of losses to data 3. statistical likelihood of problem occurring 4. inconvenience to staff
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What is a snapshot
A copy of a defined collection of data that contains an image of data when it was made
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Why is tape backup not good enough for large scale systems
1. Costly - need hardware, software and staff 2. Take a lot of time to recover data from backups 3. Has to be decided where to store them so they are easily accessible and not vulnerable to disaster
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Data Recovery Plan - What levels of recovery need to be considered
1. partial or full loss of data 2. loss of data and applications software 3. loss of data, applications software and operating system 4. loss of everything including hardware
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What is disaster avoidance
The identification of potential problems before they occur and putting in place potential measures to minimise occurence
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How can hardware failure be prevented
The use of fault tolerant systems (have extra hardware).
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How can damage from fire be prevented
Detectors, CO2 extinguishers and using fireproof safes
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How can chances of flooding be minimised
Putting the ICT room on the top floor
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How can chances of loss of power supply be minimised
Interruptible power supplies and standby generators
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How can chances of malicious damage be reduced
Strict physical security method, strict codes of conduct
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How can chances of hacking be reduced
Software security measures, i.e. checking accesses and only allowing 3 attempts before shut down. Encryption.
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What is included in a contingency plan
1. Alternative computer hardware 2. Backup procedures 3. Recovery procedures 4. Staff responsibilities 5. Alternative working location
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What are the 6 options for recovery
1. Subscription service 2. Hot site 3. Cold site 4. Mobile service 5. Reciprocal arrangements 6. In house provision
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What does the plan for contingency depend on
1. Financial losses 2. Size of organisations and its ICT systems 3. Costs 4. Method of processing 5. Time before alternative system needs to be set up 6. Likelihood of disaster occurring based on rusk analysis
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are 8 aspects of the backup strategy
1. best time to back up 2. how often to back up 3. type of backup to use 4. whose responsibility to back up 5. testing recovery of backed up data 6. the media used 7. where media will be kept 8. log of backup