individual may not feel important and may feel in the way; because of this they may not ask for help they need
1 of 9
social exclusion
individual may not be able to be involved socially due to inability, being ignored, or an inappropriate activity
2 of 9
physical impairment
this is when an individual has a physical disability which may cause them difficulty with daily living tasks, e.g a lack of mobility may result in lack of control over their care
3 of 9
concealing problems
occurs when individuals do not give all the information needed to care workers. They may not tell anyone their problems which will result in lack of appropriate care.
4 of 9
attention seeking
some individuals may display extreme inappropriate behaviour to gain attention. May make up or exaggerate problems to get extra attention.
5 of 9
hostile behaviour
when individuals display unacceptable behaviour which may be violent which could result in care workers being injured and not being able to give care required.
6 of 9
feelings of frustration and isolation
some individuals do not respond to care due to being isolated and frustrated with their situation.
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communication barriers
these may arise because of sensory impairments, learning disabilities or language barriers which can result in an individual not being able to explain their problem.
8 of 9
poor access to services
barriers which result in reduced access to appropriate services include; physical, psychological, financial, lack of info, geographical, cultural and language.
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
individual may not be able to be involved socially due to inability, being ignored, or an inappropriate activity
social exclusion
Card 3
this is when an individual has a physical disability which may cause them difficulty with daily living tasks, e.g a lack of mobility may result in lack of control over their care
Card 4
occurs when individuals do not give all the information needed to care workers. They may not tell anyone their problems which will result in lack of appropriate care.
Card 5
some individuals may display extreme inappropriate behaviour to gain attention. May make up or exaggerate problems to get extra attention.
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