Basic Music Knowledge 0.0 / 5 ? MusicBasic KnowledgeGCSEEdexcel Created by: snerdCreated on: 12-10-15 22:43 How many beats is a semibreve/whole note worth? Four 1 of 7 Music is written on a staff/stave, how many lines does this have? Five 2 of 7 What type of instrument is a saxophone? Woodwind 3 of 7 What is the name of the symbol that represents the higher notes on the grand staff? Treble clef 4 of 7 What is the term for the numbers specifying the beats to a measure and time value of each note? Time signature 5 of 7 What is a note called when the pitch is lowered in a half step? Flat 6 of 7 What is a pause in music called? Rest 7 of 7
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