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- Created by: Aine
- Created on: 03-06-13 18:15
What is the biosphere?
the part of the earth surface inhabited by living things.
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what is a biome?
a world scale ecosystem. the world can be divided into 9 majo biomes. each has its own vegetation and wildlife.
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what are the location and characteristics of each biome determined by?
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what is evapotranspiration?
when water evaporates from the pores of leaves into the atmosphere. it results in water being drawn up by plants.
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what happens to temperature as you move away from the equator?
it decreases.
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what are pressure belts?
regions of the atmosphere which run around the earth. they are parallel to the equator. some high pressure, some low.
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what is the biosphere?
a life support system which provides us with a range of goods for survival and commercial use.
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the biosphere provides many vital services such as..?
regulating the composition of the atmosphere. maintaining health of the soil.
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what is the problem with the biosphere?
many people want to use the same biome in different ways. if we overexploit forests or overharvestmarine life we arent using the biosphere in a sustainable way.
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what does sustainable mean?
a process that does no lasting harm to people or the environment.
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what is the gene pool
the genetic information contained in living organisms.
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what goods does the biosphere provide for us?
food and fibre crops, biomass for energy, drinking and irrigation water.
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what services does the biosphere provide for us?
maintaining biodiversity, nutrient cycling, climatic regulation.
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how does the biosphere serve you?
green lungs, forests giving out oxygen. water control. recreaion- attractivness for tourism.
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what are indigenous peoples?
peoples who have originated in and lived in a counrty for many generations.
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how does the rainforest provide everything for indigenous peoples?
fuelwood for cooking, timber for building, herbs for medicine, foods like nuts fuit, mean and fish.
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why is using the biosphere for commercial goods a problem?
because ival commercial users can destroy the rainforest biome for short term gain.
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what are transnational companies?
giant companies operating in many counrties.
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how does the biosphere keep water protected?
forests protect watersheds from soil erosion and intercept precipitation preventing flash flooding. reefs provide potection fom costal storms.
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what are some ecological uses of the rainforest?
watershed protection, flood and landslide prevention, soil erosion control, climate and weather regualtion.
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what are some commercial uses of the rainforest?
logs, industrial chemicals, charcoal.
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what are some substience needs of the rainforest?
fuelwood and charcoal, building poles and housing, weaving materials and dyes, fuits and nuts.
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what 2 ways can threats to the biosphere be classified?
immediate causes- logging, overfihing, pollution. oot causes- rapidly expanding poplutions, use of fuelwood.
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explain how a further root cause is economic development?
in china and russia which have a huge need for industrial raw materials living standards are improving meaning that people now consume more food and fuel and it all pus strain on the biosphere.
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what is biodiversity?
the range of animal and plant life in an area.
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what are 4 threats to the biosphere?
deforestation, pollution, overfishing, tourism and recreation.
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what does mass extinction mean?
an extiction of a large number of species within a short period of geological time.
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what are human impacts thar are threatening the biosphere from providing its goods and services?
population growth in the developing world. ising consumption of resources. global warming
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what impacts does climate change have on the biosphere?
habitats will become increasingly fragmmented, habitats will change, extreme weather events such as storms floods and droughts will become more common, pests and diseases will thrive in rising temperatures.
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what global things can be done as actions to the threatening of the biosphere?
countries can get together to develop wildlfe conservation treatis.
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what local actions can be taken ?
national policies can be delivered in a local area involving local people. like biodiversity action plans protect natural vegetation.
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what national actions can be taken?
governments can set up protected areas which help to conserve , manage and restore biodiversity. National parks, community forests.
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what does sustainable management involve?
conserving the ecosystem for future generations by ensuring that it isnt being used faster than it can be renwed. this can be done by zoning. helping local people living i poverty.
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name a sustainable forest reserve?
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what is special about the cameroon replublic?
their land is divided up into different zones used for different purposes and have different levels of protection.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is a biome?
a world scale ecosystem. the world can be divided into 9 majo biomes. each has its own vegetation and wildlife.
Card 3
what are the location and characteristics of each biome determined by?
Card 4
what is evapotranspiration?
Card 5
what happens to temperature as you move away from the equator?
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