This is how human development in terms of how we learn from experience. Larning from experience moulds and shapes our behaviour and personality.
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Explain Skinners perspective
Skinner argued that learning is caused by consequences of actions, meaning that people learn to associate actions with the pleasure or discomfort that follows.
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What is learning by association?
People learn to associate actions with the pleasure or discomfort that follows. For example if the action gains a pleasureable response they will repeat it whereas if the action gains a negative response they will learn not to repeat this.
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What is operant conditioning?
This explains learning through the consequence of actions. the process in which individuals will repeat actions if they have a reinforcing or strengthing outcome. (repeating outcomes if they felt good previously).
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What is reinforcement?
The idea that reinforcement can be sued to explain how behaviour is learnt, reinforcement means making something stronger.
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What is positive reinforcement?
identifying peasureable outcomes for the individual who is being reinforced. (a good outcome will strengthen behaviour).
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What is negative reinforcement?
Identifying a situation where something unpleasent occurs such as an outcome. (A bad situation coming to an
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What is punishment?
Behaviour resulting in outcomes which is experienced as being unpleasant. Outcomes may inhibit or block a response, punishing outcomes will in hibit or weaken a behaviour.
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Card 2
Explain Skinners perspective
Skinner argued that learning is caused by consequences of actions, meaning that people learn to associate actions with the pleasure or discomfort that follows.
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