Chrisitans worship only one God becuase it is the teaching of the Bible,Jesus taught that there is only one God.
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Believed in God the Father means Catholics believe: a christian's relationship with God should be like a child's relationship with its father.Also catholics believe God has a continuing relationship of love and care with his creation
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How the trinity is refleted in worship and belief
Every Mass beginning with a welcome in the name of the trinity.Worshipper stating their belief in the Trinity in the Nicence Creed in the Mass.
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How belief in the Trinity is reflected in the life of a Catholic today?
Praying to the father,through the son,in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit gives Catholics the spiritual sense of God .
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Source of wisdom and authority
The nicene creed states that the Trinity
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Believed in God the Father means Catholics believe: a christian's relationship with God should be like a child's relationship with its father.Also catholics believe God has a continuing relationship of love and care with his creation
Card 3
Every Mass beginning with a welcome in the name of the trinity.Worshipper stating their belief in the Trinity in the Nicence Creed in the Mass.
Card 4
Praying to the father,through the son,in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit gives Catholics the spiritual sense of God .
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