Sects are similar to cults but have more restrictions in what one person is allowed to do. Sects and cults are often interchangeble to media
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Cults are similar to sects however they allow people to have more freedom when entering them.
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An example of one would be the Methodists. They do not have connections to the state whereas churches do and they are tolerant to other religions
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Considered to be upper class, are mostly intolerant of other religions and claim to have the absolute truth and churches tend to have links with the state.
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Who suggested that there were 3 main types of religious groups?
Wallis and said that they were categorised by their relationship with the world around them.
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World Rejecting
Groups are in opposition with the world and reject many dominant norms and values. They replace them with alternative beliefes and practices.
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World Accomodating
Groups generally accept the dominant norms and values of society and members live similar lifestyles to members of society.
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World Affirming
Accept society as it is and offer individuals the opportunity for self improvement. Members are likely to live similar lives to other people of society apart from their interes in what many regard as deviant.
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Who suggested that the concept of church is obsolete?
Bruce. He said that the concept of churches is really outdated in most Christian countries and that they should only apply to countries where a single religion dominates society.
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Example of dominant church in a society.
The Greek Orthodox church in Greece
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Who suggested there were three types of cults?
Stark and Bainbridge (1985)
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Audience Cults
Provide little beyond information services of some kind . There is little organisation of followers and it is often offered through mediums such as the internet or books.
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Client Cults
Have more organisation. Offer services to followers such as therapy and courses which are often sold to clientelle by practicioners. Offering to communicate with the dead would be an example.
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Cult Movements
These are organised which involve a wider range of activities, support and personal involvement as well as commintment. Scientology would be an example.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Cults are similar to sects however they allow people to have more freedom when entering them.
Card 3
An example of one would be the Methodists. They do not have connections to the state whereas churches do and they are tolerant to other religions
Card 4
Considered to be upper class, are mostly intolerant of other religions and claim to have the absolute truth and churches tend to have links with the state.
Card 5
Wallis and said that they were categorised by their relationship with the world around them.
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