Defining Relgion- Bruce ( two types of relgious definitions)
Substantive: focused on the contnet of the relgion such as the belief in God or the supernatural Functional: focuses on the role or function of the relgion; social intergration
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Defintion of Relgion: Interprevist ( the third type of relgious definition)
Constructionist: how members of society define the relgion themselves. There is no singel universal definition of relgion
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Theories of relgion: Functionalist, Parson
Relgion helps individuals cope with unforseen events it creates and legitmates societies centtral values and provided the primary source of meaning
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describe princable behind the 1601 poor relief act.
Gentry women managed estates. some women defemed estates during the war
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5 key points of the 1601 poor relief act.
1) overseeres of the poor became chief locals and coudl collect porro relief taxes 2) overseers determined who was worth the relief tax 3) provsion were made to comple people to give parish 4) poor could be sent to the poor house 5) begging for food
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Defintion of Relgion: Interprevist ( the third type of relgious definition)
Constructionist: how members of society define the relgion themselves. There is no singel universal definition of relgion
Card 3
Theories of relgion: Functionalist, Parson
Card 4
describe princable behind the 1601 poor relief act.
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