Binary and Hexadecimal and other stuff 0.0 / 5 ? ComputingRepresenting dataGCSEOCR Created by: henry22Created on: 19-09-17 14:38 what are the characters in binary? 0 & 1 1 of 11 what is the maximum value of 4 digits in binary? 15 2 of 11 how many digits are there in hexadecimal? 16 3 of 11 what is hexadecimal E in binary ? 1110 4 of 11 what is the largest denary value representable with one digit in hexadecimal? 15 5 of 11 what is denary 18 in binary ? 10010 6 of 11 what is 59 in hexadecimal ? 3B 7 of 11 what is sample rate? how often a sample is taken 8 of 11 what is the difference between lossy & loseless? lossy removes data while loseless compresses the file size so that the original data can be recovered 9 of 11 how bits are there in ASCII? 7 10 of 11 what is the difference between ASCII and extended ASCII Expended ASCII contains many more characters. 11 of 11
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