Binocular Vision

  • Created by: SAhmed
  • Created on: 28-05-18 10:19
Explain Sensory Fusion.
Sensory fusion is the simultaneous use of the 2 eyes to form a single percept. It uses the binocular cells of the visual cortex to fuse similar images together into one. It is a neurological process.
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Explain Motor Fusion.
Motor fusion is the alignment of the visual axis using vergence eye movements so that corresponding retinal points are superimposed to maintain a single image. The oculomotor system aligns the visual axis on the object of regard.
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Depth Perception
Depth perception covers the whole range of different functions of how we see the 3D world and it results from ocular signals (such as vergence or accommodation), monocular cues and from stereopsis (disparity)
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Stereopsis relies on the fact that the two eyes see two slightly different (disparate) images due to the horizontal separation of the eyes. Eyes separated by inter-ocular distance of ~60-65mm.
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Distinguish depth perception from stereopsis.
Stereopsis is the awareness of the relative distances of objects from the observer by means of binocular vision & is based on disparity. Depth perception is the perception of the relative/absolute difference in object distance from the observer.
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Describe and explain Panum’s fusional area.
It is the range of disparities within which 2 similar images are experienced as one object. Panum's fusional area fuses dissimilar images from the 2 eyes. It is smaller in size at the fovea and larger towards the periphery.
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Explain what is meant by absolute and relative depth.
We can judge depth in two different ways – absolute and relative. Absolute depth - distance of object from observer. Relative depth - comparison of distance between two objects. The binocular vision system can code the diff in disparities b/w object
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What is Stereoacuity?
The smallest depth difference we can see. Its calculated using pupillary distance (PD), fixation distance (d) and distance between fixated object and test object (Δd).
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Physiological Diplopia
Binocular images falling outside of Panum’s fusional area are seen as physiological diplopia. Objects that land in front/behind the horopter will stimulate non-corresponding retinal points and have crossed and uncrossed disparity respectively.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Explain Motor Fusion.


Motor fusion is the alignment of the visual axis using vergence eye movements so that corresponding retinal points are superimposed to maintain a single image. The oculomotor system aligns the visual axis on the object of regard.

Card 3


Depth Perception


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Card 4




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Card 5


Distinguish depth perception from stereopsis.


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