intracerebral microdialysis to measure NT assoc with rewarding stim
1 of 14
Ikemoto and wise (2004)
intracranial drug self admin injection cannula and guide cannula
2 of 14
Fiorino et al., (1993)
elec stim of self stim sites in VTA increases accumbal DA levels measured by in vivo microdialysis
3 of 14
Radhakishun et al., (1988)
food increase accumbal dopamine
4 of 14
Dichiara and Imperato, (1988)
drugs of abuse increase accumbal dop- dif rates and hit delay at dif times dep on drup e.g. nic quikcer than morphine and cocaine, amphet rel instant , alc slight delay
5 of 14
Scott et al., (2008)
NAc DA release during reward anticipation
6 of 14
Wise (2002)
3 Da paths- mesocorticolimbic- increeases NAC DA, systemic and intraNAC da antag block responses normally maintained by reward, cholinergic projection from PPTg to VTA - cholinergic drugs self admin to vta...
7 of 14
glutamae projections from mPFC to VTA- elec self sti and stim DA release to Nac
8 of 14
Berridge and Robinson (2003)
facial expression to sweet or bitter tastes serve as objective and direct measures of liking
9 of 14
Pecina and Berridge (2000)
morphine increases liking when injection into NAc shell
10 of 14
Wyvell and Berridge (2000)
amphet decreases liking but increases wanting?
11 of 14
Reynolds and Berridge (2008)
DNQX injection into nucleus accumbens elicits both appetitive and defensive behaviours effects are mediated by dopamine (i.e., blocked by co-infusion of dopamine
12 of 14
Baxter & Murray, 2002
Amygdala, apart from playing key role in fear-related responses, has also been implicated in responses to appetitive stimuli
13 of 14
Pezze and Feldon (2004)
forebrain dopamine in classical fear conditioning - involve Da transmission in amyg, mPFC, and NAc
14 of 14
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Ikemoto and wise (2004)
intracranial drug self admin injection cannula and guide cannula
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