which factors are important in minimising potential for food borne disease?
1) Good agricultural practice (GAP) 2) HACCP, good hygiene practice (GHP) 3) Meeting microbiological criteria, performance objectives (POs) or food safety objectives (FSOs) 4) Microbiological risk assessment 5) Public health goal
1 of 18
who is responsible for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)?
this is primary production so food manufacturers
2 of 18
what stage should encompass good hygiene practice (GHP), performance objectives, and food safety objectives?
3 of 18
what is the government responsible for in regard to minimising potential food borne disease?
1) Microbiological risk assessment 2) Public health goal
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what is the food safety objective (FSO)?
The maximum level of a hazard in a food at the time of consumption which provides the appropriate level of protection (ALOP) to the consumer
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what is the performance objective (PO)?
The maximum level of a hazard in a food at a specified part of the food chain
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what does the acronym ALOP stand for?
Appropriate level of protection
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what is risk assessment (RA)?
A quantitative procedure giving estimation of probability of a product resulting in adverse effect on health
Identification of possible microorganisms and toxins in food capable of causing adverse effects
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define hazard characterisation
Qualitative or quantitative evaluation of the nature of the adverse effects associated with the hazard
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what is the exposure assessment?
Evaluation of the likely intake of the microbiological hazard via food (and other sources)- Refers to specified portion size or volume of liquid at time of consumption
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what makes up the risk characterisation?
Integrates information from previous three stages- Estimates qualitatively or quantitatively the risk (probability) of adverse effects (occurrence and severity) to consumer-
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what is the formula for risk estimate?
dose response estimate x exposure assessment
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what is the aim of risk management?
to reduce probability of occurrence of an unacceptable risk- Identifies options to manage risk
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why is risk communication important?
to ensure knowledge on which risk analysis has been based- should communicate: nature of the risk, nature of the benefits, uncertainties in the risk analysis, risk management options
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what does the food safety objective link?
risk assessment and control measures- government authorities convert risk analysis to food safety objectives
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to meet the food safety objectives, what must manufacturers implement?
Good Manufacturing practice, Good Hygienic Practice, HACCP and QA systems
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
who is responsible for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)?
this is primary production so food manufacturers
Card 3
what stage should encompass good hygiene practice (GHP), performance objectives, and food safety objectives?
Card 4
what is the government responsible for in regard to minimising potential food borne disease?
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