BioInformatics 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? OtherGeneticsUniversityNone Created by: foodscienceCreated on: 08-11-18 15:06 Genomes, DNA/RNA Sequences and protein sequences are types of what? Bioinformatics Data 1 of 33 Bio information is essential for what Archiving and organising data related to the key dogmas of molecular biology 2 of 33 What are the two types of Bioinformatics? Pre-packaged tools and databases and tool development 3 of 33 What does NCBI Stand for National Centre for Biotechnology Information 4 of 33 These are missions for what database? Public databases, software tools, education National Biotechnology information 5 of 33 Entrez and Blast are tools for searching what database NCBI 6 of 33 What does BLAST stand for? Basic Local Alignment Search Tool 7 of 33 Pubmed is what Curated database of biomedical journal articles 8 of 33 What does OMIM stand for - it is a set of reviews of human genes, gene function and phenotypes Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 9 of 33 What does EBI stand for European Bioinformatics Institute 10 of 33 These mission statements are for what? Freely available data and bioinformatics services, advanced training EBI 11 of 33 GenBank - Primary, secondary or composite Nucleotide sequences database Primary 12 of 33 PDB looks at what Protein X ray Crystals 13 of 33 Are RefSeq and PFAM primary secondary or composite databses Secondary 14 of 33 Examples of composite databases are OMIM, GENE 15 of 33 Which database looks at raw reads from sequencing machines NCBI Trace Archive 16 of 33 Which database has curated protein information in it SwissProt 17 of 33 What database has information on metabolic pathways KEGG 18 of 33 What database is based on gene expression Gene Expression Omnibus 19 of 33 What database is based on protein structures PDB 20 of 33 GeneBank and REFSEQ are NCBI'S XXXXXXX Sequence databases Nucleotide 21 of 33 Is GenBank Redundant or non ? Redundant 22 of 33 UniProtKB/TrEMBL is redundant or non redundant Redundant 23 of 33 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot is reviewed, true of false? True 24 of 33 BLANK is the computations technique for solving biological problems Bioinformatics 25 of 33 BLANK is a database for metabolic pathways KEGG 26 of 33 What is the full form of EBI? European Bioinformatics Institute 27 of 33 What is the other name for the derived databases? Secondary 28 of 33 BLANK is an NCBI primary nucleotide only sequence database GENBANK 29 of 33 OMIN is an example of metadatase true or false? True 30 of 33 TrEMBL is a non redundant database, true or false? False 31 of 33 46 chromosomes and 1X and 1Y in a male, true or false? False 32 of 33 The main function of RNA in humans is BLANK Protein Synthesis 33 of 33
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