By HCG levels and ultrasound - there is a slower than normal rise in serum HCG.
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How are ectopic pregnancies treated?
Surgery, Methotrexate (disrupts folate metabolism and kills rapidly dividing cells), expectant management (most end naturally).
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What is gestational trophoblastic neoplasia?
When there is uncontrolled proliferation of trophoblast.
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How is gestational trophoblastic neoplasia diagnosed?
By high levels of serum HCG
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How is the amnion formed, and after how many days?
9 days - Inner cell mass separates from the trophoblast, forming the amniotic cavity. Cells of the inner cell mass line this cavity, forming the amnion.
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After 10 days, the inner cell mass is now two layers, what are these called?
The epiblast (upper) and the hypoblast (lower).
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What happens to the cells of the hypoblast?
They migrate to form a hollow sphere which is the yolk yac.
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What happens to cells of the hypoblast during gastrulation?
They migrate through primitive streak to form mesoderm.
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Where do the mesoderm cells migrate to?
They migrate to line the outside of amnion and yolk sac and inside the blastocoel.
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Nutrients from where diffuse to the embryo?
From the lacunae
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What forms the chorion?
The mesoderm and cellular trophoblast - this lines the blastocoel.
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What changes to the haemoglobin from a foetus to an adult?
Adult haemoglobin contains more partial pressure of Oxygen than foetus.
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4 weeks from fertilisation, what is the size of the foetus?
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4 weeks from fertilisation, what are the features of the foetus?
Beating heart, trachea, lungs, liver, pancrease, no kidney - waste via allantois
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8 weeks after fertilisation, what are the features of the foetus?
28mm, nail beds, sweat gland, kidney (all major organ systems formed)
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After after 12 weeks of fertilisation, what are the features of of the embryo?
It is 78mm, has all the major organs and the central nervous system
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What could put the embryo at risk in the first trimester?
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