BIOL243 L19 Ebola & Yellow Fever 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyMedicalUniversityNone Created by: KatherineCreated on: 29-04-17 22:44 How many deaths are due to yellow fever? 30,000 1 of 32 How many deaths a year a due to measles? 146,000 2 of 32 When ws the MMR vaccine introduced? 1988 3 of 32 When was the measles vaccine made? 1970 4 of 32 How many measles cases are there in the uk? 530 5 of 32 Where are the most cases of measles? Krgyzstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina 6 of 32 How many people die due to rabies each year? 55,000 7 of 32 How fatal is rabies? 92% 8 of 32 Where is yellow fever found? Brazil and Africa but not Asia (we don't know why) 9 of 32 How many deaths are due to yellow fever? 30,000 (more serious than dengue) 10 of 32 What are the early stages of Ebola? Appetite loss, headache, sore throat, trouble sleeping, feverish 11 of 32 What is Ebola haemorrhagic fever? Internal bleeding associated with Ebola 12 of 32 What are the symptoms of Ebola? Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Hiccups, Blood blisters, red eyes, bleeding from nose and mouth, internal bleeding, hypotension, multiple organ failure and death 13 of 32 Where did Ebola begin? 1976 Zaire, 1976, at the ebola river 14 of 32 What happened to the nuns of Yambuku? They all died - they were giving blood transfusions as treatment for Ebola, but weren't sterilising the needle properly 15 of 32 How many species of Ebola virus are there? 3 16 of 32 What was the case fatality of the Wes African outbreak of Ebola? 40 17 of 32 What was happening to the virus as time went on? It was becoming more/less virulent - most likely an increase in virulence (particularly at the beginning of the outbreak) 18 of 32 Where did the 2014 Ebola start? Meliandou, Guinea - Next to Sierra Leone 19 of 32 Where is the Kissi-ting triangle? Becuase the Kissi-ting people likve there 20 of 32 Who was the first case of 2014 Ebola? Little boy 21 of 32 How did they first catch Ebola? Due to the hunting of bats which may contain the virus, or by eating fruit which the bats have eaten first 22 of 32 Where did Ebola spread to? Shanty towns 23 of 32 What reduced the chances of Ebola spread? Handwashing 24 of 32 Where did Zika virus originate? Zika forest 25 of 32 Which ype of mosquito spreads Zika? Aedes 26 of 32 What are the symptoms of ZIka? Fever, muscle aches, joint aches, maculopapular rash, headache, red eyes, swelling, vomiting, abdominal pain 27 of 32 Aside from mosquitoes, how is Zika transmitted? Sexually transmitted 28 of 32 When was the first case of Zika recorded? 1966 29 of 32 Where did the first big outbreak of Zika occur? Yap island 30 of 32 In south America, there was another expansion of the symptoms list: Guillain Barre syndrome, microcephaly (babies born with birth defects), 31 of 32 What is the main concern of Zika virus? Perinatal transmission 32 of 32
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