Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia

  • Created by: Ellie
  • Created on: 21-03-15 18:05
What could the causes of Schizophrenia be?
Genetics, biochemistry, neuroanatomy and viral infection
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What supports genetics being the cause of Schizophrenia?
The family/twin studies
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What did Gottesman look at?
Concordance rates of Schizophrenia in families
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If one identical twin has Schizophrenia, what is the likelihood of the other twin also having Schizophrenia?
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What did Gottesman conclude?
The more closely related you are genetically to someone who has Schizophrenia, the higher the chance you also have of getting it
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What did Kendler et al find?
Relatives of Schizophrenics are 18 times more likely to also get the disorder
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What is the main issue associated with the family studies?
It's hard to separate biological and environmental factors
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What did the twin studies look at?
Separating the environment from genetic influences in Schizophrenia
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What did Gottesman and Shield find in a twin study?
They found the concordance rate of Schizophrenia in reared MZ twins was 58%
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What did Cardno et al look at?
Looked at MZ and DZ twins reared apart - concordance rates for MZ twins were 40% and 5.3% for DZ
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Card 2


What supports genetics being the cause of Schizophrenia?


The family/twin studies

Card 3


What did Gottesman look at?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If one identical twin has Schizophrenia, what is the likelihood of the other twin also having Schizophrenia?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Gottesman conclude?


Preview of the front of card 5
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