Therapy used to treat the physical symptoms of stress once the psychological disorder has been identified.
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Daily hassles
Situations people may experience on a daily basis which may cause a person to become stressed.
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Drug therapy
Treating the symptoms of stress by prescribing drugs.
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A person's resilience to stress and their ability to cope. People with this characteristic show a high level of commitment, see opportunities as a challenge and have a strong feeling of control over their life.
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Immune system
The organs and processes of the boyd that provide resistance to infections and toxins.
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Lack of control in the workplace
Having little influence over the type and amount of work to do. Found by various studies to have a higher chance of causing stress-related illness.
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Life changes
Significant events in a person's life that may cause them stress. e.g. Death of spouse, moving house, etc.
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Pituitary-adrenal system
Used by the body in the case of long-term stress. Releases the hormone ACTH to stimulate the adrenal cortex.
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Psychological methods of stress management
Therapy to help people cope better by thinking differently about a stressful situation. Techniques shown to be effective and deal with the source of stress rather than just the symptoms.
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Stress inoculation training
A psychological method of stress management which trains conceptualisation, skill acquisition & rehearsal, and application & follow-through.
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Stress-related illness
Illness experienced as a result of exposure to stress.
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Sympathomedullary pathway
Part of the body that responds to short-term stress.
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Type A behaviour
Competitive and ambitious. Known to be hostile to others and always in a rush. Found to be more likely to suffer heart disease.
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Type B behaviour
Non-competitive, relaxed and easy-going. Less impatient and less likely to suffer heart disease.
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Work overload
When somebody feels they have been given too much work to do, they can become ill.
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Workplace stress
Stress experienced because of occupation. Could come down to relationships with peers, pressures, the physical environment, stresses linked to the role and a lack of control.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Situations people may experience on a daily basis which may cause a person to become stressed.
Daily hassles
Card 3
Treating the symptoms of stress by prescribing drugs.
Card 4
A person's resilience to stress and their ability to cope. People with this characteristic show a high level of commitment, see opportunities as a challenge and have a strong feeling of control over their life.
Card 5
The organs and processes of the boyd that provide resistance to infections and toxins.
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