BIOLOGY 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyEcology and biodiversityA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: pxnxCreated on: 07-05-19 13:30 What is a Taxon? any group within a system of classification 1 of 12 What are the reasons for classification? calculate rate of extinction, allow new animal discovery,find evolutionary relationships 2 of 12 What are the three Domains? Eubacteria, Archae + Eukaryota 3 of 12 What is the definition of a species? a group of organisms that can interbreed and make fertile offspring. 4 of 12 What is a morphologocal definition? very similar look- likely to be from the same species 5 of 12 What is a reproductive definition? if they can interbreed and make fertile offspring 6 of 12 What is taxonomy? identification and naming of organisms 7 of 12 What are the purposes of taxonomy? biological diversity, investigate evolutionary relationships and to classify organisms 8 of 12 What are the advanges of the Binomial system? based in latin(universal), non-ambiguous naming, species sharing a name would be related 9 of 12 What is the difference between the homologous and analogous series? homo- same structure, come from the same ancestor----ana- same function but different dev. origin 10 of 12 what is the morphological defintion? (sexual dismorphism) have different features than the opposite sex 11 of 12 what is the reproductive defintion? two organisms of the same species can INTERBREED and produce FERTILE offspring. 12 of 12
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