biology 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyevolutionInternational BaccalaureateCCEA Created by: ffowlerCreated on: 28-03-16 14:01 Evolution Cumulative change in heritable characteristics of a population 1 of 12 Evidence for evoulation Fossil records, selective breedings, comparative anatomy 2 of 12 Variation occurs due to mutation, meiosis, and sexual reproduction 3 of 12 Classification binominal system= international approach to naming species 4 of 12 Naming species Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genuous, species, katie price calls out for good sex 5 of 12 porfera (sponges) no mouth, no anus, no symmetry, no skeleton, internal spicules 6 of 12 Cndaria (jelly fish)---- cinderalla mouth, no anus, radial symetry, tenticals and stinging cells 7 of 12 Platehelminthes (flatworm) mouth, anus, bilateral symmetry, no skeleton has flat ribbon body 8 of 12 Annelida (worm) mouth, anus, bilateral, no skeleton, bristles 9 of 12 Mollusca (snails and slugs) mouth, anus bilateral, skeleton, muscular foot 10 of 12 Antropoda (spiders) mouth, anus, no symetry, skeleton and vertebrates and dorsal nerve 11 of 12 Cladistics Method of classifying species of organism into groups called clades, determined by common characteristics 12 of 12
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