biological catalyst which speeds up chemical reactions because it lowers the activation energy
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competitive inhibtio n
substrate and inhibitor are chemically similafr, inhibitor binds to the active site so the substrate is unable to bind , enzyme activity is prevented
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non competitive
substrate and inhibitor are different and the inhibitor binds to another active site, however this chnages shape of the active site so the substrate is unable to bind
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metabolic pathways
all reactions take place inside cells, some build up nmetabloic organic pathways and some break them down
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gain of oxygen and loss of hydrogen and electrons
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loss of oxygen and gain of hydrogen and electrons
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phosporolation= 2 phosphate groups are added to a molecule of glucose forms hexose bisphosphate. lysis= spilts into 2 forms of triose phosphate. oxidation= 2 hydrogens are removed converts into 2 ATP makes 2 pyrovates
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has double membrane, matrix, inner membranes, ribosomes and outer membrane
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link reaction
oxidation of pyrovate= H is removed and accepted by coenzyme A. Decarboxylation= co2 removed forms 2 carbon acetyl compound. formation coenzyme= compound attaches to enzyme to form 2 carbon acetyl coenzyme A
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krebs cycle- in mitocondria-matrixq
decarboxylation= removal of co2.... oxidation= removal of hydrogen FAD produces FADH +H
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production of carbon compounds using light energy
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effects on earth
prokaryotics were first to carry it out, reduced co2, reduces green house gases, increases rise in 02
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has stroma, granum, thylakoid membrane, double membrane and startch grain
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dependent- relys on the sun
1.light absorbed by chlorohyl, ground state electron increase energy 2. passed to elec transport chain 3.electron to photo 1 4.hydrogen passes into membrane 5. produces ATP and NADPH +H
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carbon fixation= RuBp comines with co2 and splits to form glycerate phosphate reduction= glycerate reduces using NADPH and ATP and it form triose phos . regeneration of RuBp= molecules of TP are metabloised systheis= lipids, amino, sugar
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electron transport chain
passes electrons between carriers in membrane, happens as energy is released, last acceptor is 02
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hydrogen ions pumped into the membrane, inceases gradient in matrix
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
competitive inhibtio n
substrate and inhibitor are chemically similafr, inhibitor binds to the active site so the substrate is unable to bind , enzyme activity is prevented
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