Biology 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyHealth, illness and diseaseA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: Share63Created on: 18-10-16 13:30 Homeostasis The body's internal environment remains constant despite changes in the external environment 1 of 23 Negative Feedback Mechanism 1.Receptors detect change 2. Message sent 3.Response initiated 4 Body returns to normal state 2 of 23 Blood sugar Pancreas secretes INSULIN and GLYCOGEN to control glucose levels 3 of 23 Body temperature 37* (temp that enzymes work best) Controlled by sweating/shivering 4 of 23 Water Content (to protect cells) lungs, skin, kidneys 5 of 23 Salt and water balance Kidneys 6 of 23 Carbon Dioxide level lungs 7 of 23 Oxygen to the cells Respiratory and circulatory systems 8 of 23 Hormones chemicals secreted by glands 9 of 23 Endocrine glands Organs that produce hormones 10 of 23 Central Nervous System Brain and Spinal Cord 11 of 23 Peripheral Nervous System made up of sensory and motor neurons all over your body 12 of 23 Neuron A nerve cell 13 of 23 Nerve A bundle of neurons 14 of 23 Sensory neuron A nerve cell that detects changes in the environment and send message to Central Nervous System 15 of 23 Motor neuron nerve cell that causes muscle or gland to respond to stimulus 16 of 23 Interneuron Link between sensory neurons and motor neurons 17 of 23 Effectors muscles or glands that respond to a stimulus 18 of 23 Neurotransmitter Chemical released to conduct impulse across synapse 19 of 23 Respiration Glucose +Oxygen =CO2 +water+energy 20 of 23 Waste products of respiration CO2 + nitrogenous waste 21 of 23 Nitrogenous waste (Protein Metabolism) Liver -> Urea -> Kidneys ->Urine 22 of 23 Enzymes Proteins that regulate chemical reactions in the body 23 of 23
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