Biology B1.1 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyKeeping healthyGCSEAQA Created by: emily13566Created on: 24-10-16 12:55 What's called when you don't have a healthy diet? Malnourished 1 of 17 What is metabolic rate? Is the rate at which chemical reactions take place around the body 2 of 17 What health problems arise from obesity? Arthritis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease 3 of 17 What is the best way to lose weight? Reduce energy intake and exercise more 4 of 17 What is cholesterol used for? Cell membranes and to make vital hormones 5 of 17 How is an infectious disease caused and how does it become infectious? It's caused by microorganisms and they pass from one person to another 6 of 17 What are bacteria and how do they reproduce? Bacteria is a single-celled organism and they simply split in two 7 of 17 Give 4 types of causes of infections.. Droplet infection, direct contact, contaminated food, a break in the skin 8 of 17 How does your respiratory system stop pathogens infecting your body every time you breath? Your mucus traps pathogens and you swallow it, then your stomach acid destroys them 9 of 17 What 3 ways can white blood cells protect you against disease? Ingesting microorganisms, producing antibodies, producing antitoxins 10 of 17 What type of drugs to we use to treat infectious diseases and how do they kill bacteria? We use antibiotics and they damage the bacterial cell without harming our own cells 11 of 17 Why are viruses so difficult to kill inside the body? They reproduce inside your own cells 12 of 17 What is culturing bacteria? We grow large numbers of bacteria to see the colony as a whole 13 of 17 How can we reduce the spread of microorganisms? Don't overuse antibiotics and wash our hands inside hospitals 14 of 17 What's the difference between epidemic and pandemic? Epidemic is in one country and pandemic is across several countries 15 of 17 What is an antigen? A unique protein on the cells surface 16 of 17 What is another name for immunisation and what is it? A vaccination, it's a dead/weakened form of the disease. It works by triggering your body's natural immune response to destroy it 17 of 17
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