Chemistry Feb test 2016 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryrevisionOtherNone Created by: holly.567Created on: 21-02-16 17:01 What will happen if we burn more fossil fuels? The more fossil fuels burnt the more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. 1 of 16 What does combustion mean? The process of something being set on fire. 2 of 16 What does complete combustion mean? WHen theres enough oxygen for the fuel to burn fully. Products are water and carbon dioxide. 3 of 16 What does incomplete combustion mean? Not enough oxygen for fuel to burn fully. Products being carbon and carbon monoxide. 4 of 16 How can we reduce carbon dioxide emission? Public transport, save power, use carbon free/reduced fuels, buy recycleable products+packaging, use products with little carbon in. 5 of 16 What is happening due to climate change? Loss of sea ice, bigger regular floods, longer hotter heat waves, accelerated sea rise, species dieing out due to temperature change. 6 of 16 What proportions of the atmospher are which gas? Nitrogen78%, Oxygen21%, Argon0.93%, Water Vapour0.4%, Carbon Dioxide0.04% 7 of 16 What will happen as the industry develops (gasses)? As industry expands more gasses will be emmitted so the proportions in the atmospher will alter. 8 of 16 What are some human causes of greenhouse gasses? Burning more fossil fuels, more landfills, increase in soil cultivation, increase of earths temperature, deforestation. 9 of 16 Does deforestation effect the greenhouse gasses if so why? Yes it does this is because chopping down trees releases c02 which was previously stored in the earths surface into the atmosphere. 10 of 16 What happens when the light from the sun hits the Earth (waste)? Some light is let (reflected) back into space and some is changed into heat. 11 of 16 What happens when the sunlight has hit the Earth (light)? The lights absorbed by greenhouse gases which lets less escape into space which results in Earths temperature rise. 12 of 16 Why dont clouds help get rid of greenhouse gasses? Because they reflect the greenhouse gasses which keeps Earths surface warm. 13 of 16 What happens to gasses through an animals life? They take in oxygen during respiration and give out carbon dioxide during respiration, when they die they fossilize and produce oil. 14 of 16 How are the oceans related to the carbon cycle? They are related because carbondioxide dissolves into it then sedimation produces lime stone as calcium carbonate in the ocean produce shells. 15 of 16 What do humans use that releases carbon dioxide? As they resperate they take in oxygen and give out carbondioxide. But in cars and technology they emmitt carbondioxide from the fossil fuels. 16 of 16
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