Biology Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyEverything!ASOCR Created by: EmilywynnCreated on: 14-03-16 15:57 Site of Photosynthesis Chloroplasts 1 of 20 Movement of substances against concentration gradient across a cell membrane, using ATP Active transport 2 of 20 Plasma cells that can attach to pathogenic antigens Antibodies 3 of 20 A type of muscle found in the walls of heart chambers Cardiac muscle 4 of 20 The process that creates pressure inside the heart chambers Contraction 5 of 20 The node in the cardiac cycle that initiates the heart beat SAN 6 of 20 A type of bond that forms between to monosaccharides Glycosidic bond 7 of 20 What pH does the enzyme pepsin work best at Two 8 of 20 What is the optimum temperature for an enzyme in a human body 37 9 of 20 Name a factor that can limit the rate of an enzyme reaction Enzyme concentration 10 of 20 What sort of inhibitor blocks the original substrate from getting to the active site Competitive 11 of 20 When two monosaccharides are joined together, they form...? Disaccharides 12 of 20 The shape of the DNA molecule Double helix 13 of 20 These stretch and recoil and expell air Elastic tissue 14 of 20 Cells that secrete mucus Goblet cells 15 of 20 Structure in a plant that transport water and minerals Xylem 16 of 20 Type of nuclear division that produces daughter cells genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell. Mitosis 17 of 20 A molecule consisting of a five carbon sugar, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base. Nucleotide 18 of 20 Best Optimum 19 of 20 A part of a plant where materials are used up and removed from the transport system Sink 20 of 20
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