Biology Revision- Classification

What is meant by systematics?
Searching for relationships between living organisms
1 of 10
What is taxonomy?
Grouping organisms in terms of similarities
2 of 10
What is a species?
A group of organisms who can interbreed to produce fertile offspring/ Organisms which are similar to each other but different from members of other species
3 of 10
Why can it be difficult to define a species?
Species change and evolve/ Huge variation within a species/ Many species are extinct with no fossil record/ Some species only rarely reproduce sexually
4 of 10
What are the features of the kingdom Monera?
Single celled, cells have no nuclei, Have no organelles, prokaryotic
5 of 10
What are the features of the kingdom protoctista?
Single celled, Have organelles, moves by flagella, eukaryotic
6 of 10
What are the features of the kingdom plantae?
Multicellular, produces own food, eukaryotic cells
7 of 10
What are the features of the kingdom animalia?
Multicellular, eukaryotic cells, consumes other organisms for food
8 of 10
What are the features of the kingdom Fungi?
Cells have no nuclei, do not make own food, Both single celled and multicellular, Many get nutrients from dead or decaying organisms
9 of 10
What is phylogeny?
The science of connecting species on trees to show their evolutionary history
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is taxonomy?


Grouping organisms in terms of similarities

Card 3


What is a species?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why can it be difficult to define a species?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the features of the kingdom Monera?


Preview of the front of card 5
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