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- Created by: Dymphna
- Created on: 16-04-13 19:43
name two types of pathogens.
bacteria and viruses.
1 of 42
where do viruses live and reproduce?
inside cells.
2 of 42
what do pathogens cause?
infectious diseases.
3 of 42
where do bacterium live and reproduce?
outside the cells.
4 of 42
what three things do white blood cells do to stop pathogens?
ingest pathogens, produce antibodies to destroy pathogens or produce antitoxins to counteract toxins pathogens produce.
5 of 42
how do vaccinations work?
vaccines are made of dead or inactive pathogens and are injected into the body. white blood cells produce antibodies and you become immune.
6 of 42
what are the three main food groups and what is their purpose?
carbohydrates, fat and proteins release energy and build cells. mineral ions and vitamins keep the body healthy.
7 of 42
what is malnourishment?
someone who isnt eating a balanced diet.
8 of 42
what is ressistance?
a bacterium that has evolved through natural selection to become resistant to common antibiotics eg mrsa.
9 of 42
what is metabolic rate?
chemical reactions in cells.
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what three factors affect your metabollic rate?
the amount of exercise you do, proportion of muscle to fat in your body, inherited factors(genes).
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what happens to your metabollic rate after you exercise?
it increases.
12 of 42
what drugs kill bacteria but not viruses? why?
antibiotics. they dont kill viruses as they reproduce inside the cells and treatment could damage the cells.
13 of 42
what three diseases does the mmr vaccination protect you from?
measles, mumps, rubella.
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what are deficiency diseases?
diseases that are a cause of a lack of a particular nutrient in a persons body.
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what is lh and where is it made?
pituitary gland. releases eggs.
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what is a synapse?
a synapse is the gap between two neurons. chemicals transmit impulse through gap.
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what are the two parts of your cns?
spinal chord and brain.
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what is oestrogen and where is it made?
ovaries. stops fsh, starts lh and stimulates womb lining.
19 of 42
what makes hormones and how are they transported?
through blood. endocrine glands.
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what is fsh and where is it made?
pituitary gland. matures eggs.
21 of 42
why is it important to control body temperature?
enzymes in body will not work properly.
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what two ways can we lose ions?
sweat, urine.
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what three ways can we lose water?
sweat, urine, breathing.
24 of 42
what hormones are used in fertility treatment and how do they work?
fsh-matures eggs, lh-releases eggs.
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what hormones are used in contraception and how do they work?
oestrogen-stop eggs mature (no fsh) progesterone-thickens mucus in cervix to prevent sperm reaching egg.
26 of 42
name two examples of effectors.
27 of 42
how do scientists develop new medicinal drugs?
first in lab on cells, tissues, organs.
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whats a placebo?
a "fake" drug.
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what is a double blind trial?
neither the patient nor doctor know who is recieving drug and who is recieving placebo.
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what are statins and how are htey used?
a drug which lowers cholesterol.
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why was thalidomide made?
sleeping pill.
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what was thalidomide found to treat?
morning sickness.
33 of 42
what effect did thalidomide have on pregnant women?
babies were born with limb abnormalities.
34 of 42
what is thalidomide used for now?
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what are legal recreation drugs?
nicotine and caffine. used by people for pleasure.
36 of 42
what are side effects of missusing nicotine and alcohol?
are addictive. affect brain and nervous system.
37 of 42
why do some people use illegal drugs for recreation?
for pleasure.
38 of 42
what effects does cannabis have on the body?
damage brain and nervous system.
39 of 42
what drugs might an athlete take to enhance their performance?
40 of 42
how do steroids work?
build up muscle mass.
41 of 42
what effects can steroids have on the body?
they can damage it permanently or lead to death.
42 of 42
Other cards in this set
Card 2
where do viruses live and reproduce?
inside cells.
Card 3
what do pathogens cause?

Card 4
where do bacterium live and reproduce?

Card 5
what three things do white blood cells do to stop pathogens?

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