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- Created by: Dymphna
- Created on: 18-04-13 17:35
what factors affect the size of an animal population?
disease, competition, environment(weather)
1 of 32
what do plants often compete with each other for?
water, nutrients and light
2 of 32
what do animals often compete with each other for?
water, food, mates, territory
3 of 32
what are adaptations?
special feature that makes an organism particulaly well suited to the environment where it lives.
4 of 32
name some adaptations to hot, dry conditions.
conserve water, stop getting too hot, hunt at night to remain cool during day
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name some adaptations to extreme cold conditions
thick fur, fat under skin to keep warm
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name some plant adaptations to hot and dry conditions
conserve water, collect water using extensive roots
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what are extremophiles?
organism which has adapted to living in extreme conditions eg desert.
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what are lichens used for and what do they detect?
lichens indicate the level of air pollutuion, the more lichens the cleaner the air
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what environmental changes can be measured?
air pollutuion, water pollution.
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what is the source of energy for most communities of living organisms?
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what process transfers light energy to chemical energy?
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what is biomass?
the mass of living material in plants and animals
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how does biomass change at each stage in the food chain?
it decreases
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how is energy lost at each stage of a food chain?
respiration, urination, moving
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why do waste materials or dead organisms decay?
detritus feeders start decay by eating dead organisms and producing waste materials
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what conditions are required for faster decay?
warm and wet
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what substances are released during the decaying process that plants need for growth?
carbon dioxide
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what do we call the constant cycling of carbon?
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describe the carbon cycle
photosynthesis removes c02 from atmosphere.organisms respire and give c02 back. trees cut down, more c02 but back. organism dies puts c02 back.
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what controls the development of different characteristics of an organism?
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what two factors cause variation in organisms?
genes, environmental.
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define sexual reproduction?
fushion of egg and sperm
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define asexual reproduction?
only one parent
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explain tissue culture
taking cells from a plant and growing them under special conditions
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explain adult cell cloning
the nucleus of an adult cell placed in an empty egg cell
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explain embryo transplants
sperm of male and egg of female fertilise then split into smaller groups of cells then placed into other females
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describe how crops have been genetically modified?
changing the genetic make-up of an organism.
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explain natural selection theorum
survival of the fittest-those who are better adapted to the environment live
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give three reasons why natural selection was only gradually accepted
it challenged the idea that god made the earth, not enough evidence, could not explain how inheritance worked
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what was lamarcks theory?
inheritance of acquired characteristics-characteristics that develop pass through generations
31 of 32
how are organisms classified?
kingdoms(plant, animal, microorganisms)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what do plants often compete with each other for?
water, nutrients and light
Card 3
what do animals often compete with each other for?
Card 4
what are adaptations?
Card 5
name some adaptations to hot, dry conditions.
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