Biology Crossword 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? BiologyGCSEAQA Created by: Michael ThompsonCreated on: 01-05-13 12:22 By what process do skin cells multiply? MITOSIS 1 of 17 How many pairs of chromosomes are there in a human body cell? 23 2 of 17 What is the scientific name for a 'sex cell'? GAMETE 3 of 17 Which sex chromosome is male? Y 4 of 17 What type of reproduction uses only one parent? ASEXUAL 5 of 17 An embryo is made entirely of ____ cells STEM 6 of 17 What kind of plant did Gregor Mendel uses for his investigations of inheritance? PEA 7 of 17 ___________ is a condition that gives a person extra fingers or toes. POLYDACTYL 8 of 17 ______ screening can be used to check for genetic disorders. EMBRYO 9 of 17 Sex cells are formed through ______. MEOSIS 10 of 17 If two parents are AB, two of their children will be __. AB 11 of 17 A child can also be called _________. OFFSPRING 12 of 17 Cystic Fibrosis is a disorder of cell _________. MEMBRANES 13 of 17 A collection of tissues performing a body function is a what? ORGAN 14 of 17 An enzyme can be described as a biological what? CATALYST 15 of 17 Which mineral does 'PROTEASE' digest? PROTEIN 16 of 17 Lipids are more commonly known as ____. FATS 17 of 17
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