Biology Glossary
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- Created by: summerjohnston2061
- Created on: 25-06-13 08:27
Aerobic Respiration
Respiration is carried out with oxygen present
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Agar Plates
Plates of agar used for culturing microorganisms
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Anaerobic Respiration
Respiration carried out in the absence of oxygen
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Asexual Reproduction
Reproduction that produces genetically identical offspring from one parent
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A bacterium that is rod shaped
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Microorganisms that are singled celled and lack a nuclear membrane. There are many different types of bacteria.
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Binary Fission
The process by which bacteria reproduce
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A process of asexual reproduction that involves a bud forming
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Cell Membrane
The semi-permeable membrane forming the outer boundary.
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Cell Wall
An outer layer of a cell that is ridged and in plants and most algae it is made of cellulose. It is not found in animals.
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An outer layer of a cell that is ridged and in plants and most algae it is made of cellulose. It is not found in animals.
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An ineraction that occurs between individuals or populations. This may be over environmental factors that they share or that overlap, e.g. food, light or shelter.
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a group of microoganisms grown for a specific use, e.g. group of bacteria grown on nutrient agar under specific conditions.
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A jelly like substance found in a cell. It is a matrix in which the cells organelles are suspened.
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A natural process in which particles move from a high concentration to a low concentration until an even distribuation of particles occurs.
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A protein that is a biological catalyst in cellular reactions.
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The process of an organism getting rid of its wastes.
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Outside the cell.
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Long thread-like structures, attached to bacteria which allow them to move.
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A group of miroorganisms that can exist as either uni-cellular or multi-cellular. Yeasts and moulds.
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Genetic Material
May be in the form of DNA or RNA. Contains information for the cell to make proteins.
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Growth Curve
The rate at which a colony of miroorganisms’ increases in number.
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A cell or organism that provides food, shelter or in the case of viruses; essential process it requires for replication.
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A filament in fungi that secretes digestive enzymes.
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An organism that can only be seen with the use of a miroscope.
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Type of fungi.
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Many cells working together to form an organism.
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A mass of hypae that form the body of a fungus.
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Nutrient Agar
A jelly like substance that contains nutrients for growing miroorganisms
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Any substance that a living organism requries for nutrient. Either for energy or structural growth.
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An organism that causes disease.
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Reproductive Hypae
Hypae that contain sporangium full of spores.
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A cellular process that uses oxygen and water and glucose to form energy and carbon dioxide.
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To produce offspring.
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The movement of a substance produced by the organism to outside the cell.
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Slime Capsule
A layer of slime that is found on the outer most part of some organisms.
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A reproductive structure in fungi that produces spores.
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Is a reproductive structure cell. It can develop into an individual when certain conditions are present.
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Is found everywhere.
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Unicellular organisms
Organisms that only have one cell.
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A very small particle that is inert outsidde a host cell. When it reaches a host cell it is able to replicate as it does it destroys the host cell. They are pathogens.
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A group of unicellular organisms that are classfied as Fungi.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Plates of agar used for culturing microorganisms
Agar Plates
Card 3
Respiration carried out in the absence of oxygen

Card 4
Reproduction that produces genetically identical offspring from one parent

Card 5
A bacterium that is rod shaped

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