Biology- nervous coordination 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyNervous systemIGCSEAQA Created by: Splash HeslinCreated on: 07-04-15 13:09 Parts of central nervous system: Brian, spinal cord. 1 of 12 Receptors: Nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm. 2 of 12 Stimulus response pathway: Stimulus> receptor> sensory neuron> coordinator> motor neuron> effector> response 3 of 12 What is a reflex? Automatic response of nervous system, involuntary. 4 of 12 What is a synapse? A gap between neurones where the transmittion of info is chemical, not electrical. 5 of 12 Examples of reflexes: Blinking, coughing, sneezing, saliva production. 6 of 12 What are neurotransmitters? Chemicals that diffuse across synapse gap. 7 of 12 Part of brain- What is cerebral cortex? Concerned with: consciousness, intelligence, memory, language. 8 of 12 Part of brain- what is cerebellum? Concerned with coordination. 9 of 12 Part of brain- what is medulla? Concerned with: unconscious activities (heart beat, breathing) 10 of 12 Part of brain- what is hypothalamus? Regulation of body functions. 11 of 12 Part of brain- what is pituitary gland? Produces chemical message (hormones) that control body reactions. 12 of 12
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