Biology (Science A Unit 6) 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ScienceBiologyGCSEAQA Created by: Gemma ParrettCreated on: 29-05-13 13:39 Define variation: A variety of characteristics that offspring inherit from their parents' genes 1 of 30 What is a mutation? A change in genetic material in offspring 2 of 30 What is a gene? A genes is a section of DNA, carrying genetic information 3 of 30 Why do plants and animals share their charateristics with their parents? Because they inherit their genes 4 of 30 How is genetic material organised? Gene, chromosome, nucleus, cell 5 of 30 How can an embryo transplant be used to clone a cow? Taking the adult cell out of a cow, removing the nucleus, dividing it into an empty egg and transpant it into a surrogate 6 of 30 Why is an organism produced by adult cell cloning considered a clone? Because the cell is removed from the adult and fertilised into a surrogate to make a copy 7 of 30 What TWO factors can affect the characteristics of an organism? Inherited (genetic) and environmental 8 of 30 What is the scientific name for an organism produced by asexual reproduction: Clone 9 of 30 Describe TWO ways in which you can clone a plant: Take cuttings and grow them and tissue culture 10 of 30 How was Dolly the Sheep created? By adult cell cloning 11 of 30 Why are people against genetic modification of organisms? Can cause damage to modified organism and can harm the health of humans who eat GM organisms 12 of 30 What reasons can genetically modifying a plant include? Herbicide resistant and insect resistant 13 of 30 How would you use a plant to produce human growth hormone? Use enzymes to cut gene out of chromosome, use others to insert gene into plant chromosome and plant cell divides and makes hormone 14 of 30 What was the principle behind DARWIN'S theory of evolution? All species evolved from simplier life forms that developed 3 billion years ago 15 of 30 What was LAMARCK'S theory of evolution? Variation between organisms within a species 16 of 30 Give THREE reasosns why Darwin's theory was only gradually accepted: It challenged religion, had insufficient evidence and mechanisms of inheritance were not discovered until 50 years later 17 of 30 Outline the key principles of natural selection: Organisms from a species show variation due to mutations, increases change of survival and organisms more likely to breed 18 of 30 Adaptations of a Polar Bear to help with survival? White fur to keep camouflaged, small surface area, ears and nose to minimize heat loss and thick fur for insulation 19 of 30 What is an extremophile? A microrganism that's adapted to live in extreme conditions 20 of 30 Name THREE adaptations of prey that deter predators: Thorns, poisons and warning colours 21 of 30 What is a pollution indicator? Lving organisms that show level of pollution through a change in distribution 22 of 30 How can human activity affect the distribution of organisms? Destroy animals food source or habitat, global warming and competition with other species 23 of 30 Adaptations of a desert fox to help survival? Large ears, surface area and thin fur to increase heat loss and sandy colour to camouflage 24 of 30 Explain how climate change may lead to a short-haired fox being more likely to survive than a long-haired one: Temperature increases and short haired fox able to lose heat 25 of 30 How is a cactus adapted to survive in the desert? Stem swells to store water, no leaves to reduce water from surface area and deep, wide roots to collect water 26 of 30 What do animals compete for? Food, mates and territory 27 of 30 What do plants compete for? Light, space, water and nutrients 28 of 30 Describe the energy transfer that takes place during photosynthesis: Light (Sun) ------ Chemical (Plant cells) 29 of 30 How does the material in a fox returned to the environment to be used by plants? Fox respires- releases CO2 - for use in photosynthesis, decomposers respire and fox dies 30 of 30
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