Biology: Sustainable Ecosystems To memories the key terms of each uint studied in grade nine acidemic science. 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyNational 5None Created by: Abigail EadyCreated on: 09-01-13 03:13 all living organisms in their physical and chemical environment. Ecosystem 1 of 31 Living things, their remains, and features ...i.e. a nest. Biotic 2 of 31 the non-living physical and chemical components of an ecosystem...i.e. a rock. Abiotic 3 of 31 Natural pond, lake, or river. Natrural Ecosystem 4 of 31 Human made pond, lake, or river. Artificial Ecosystem 5 of 31 A sequence of organisms, each feeding om the next, showing how energy flows in an ecosystem. Food Chain 6 of 31 A representation of the feeding relationships in an ecosystem. Food Web 7 of 31 An organism that creates its own food using the sun's energy. Producer 8 of 31 An organism that gains energy by consuming other organims. Consumer 9 of 31 Producer Autotroph 10 of 31 Consumer Heterotrph 11 of 31 Any class of organisms that occupy the same position in a food chain, as primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers. Trophic Level 12 of 31 Consumers plants only. Herbivore 13 of 31 Consumers meat only. Carnivore 14 of 31 Consumes both plants and animals. Omnivore 15 of 31 The variety of life in a particular ecosystem; biological diversity. Biodiversity 16 of 31 Amount of organisms in an area. Population 17 of 31 a group of organisms in an area. Community 18 of 31 The function or role that a species serves in an ecosystem. Ecological Niche 19 of 31 A process in which the sun's energy is turned into chemical energy. Photosynthesis 20 of 31 a substance used to kill pests. Pesticide 21 of 31 the increase in concentration of a substance, sch as pesticide, as it moves higher in the food change. Bioamplification 22 of 31 The fertile, upper part of the soil. Topsoil 23 of 31 the bed of the earth or earthy material immediately under the surface soil. Also called under-soil. Subsoil 24 of 31 Unbroken solid rock, overlaid in most places by soil or rock fragments. Bedrock 25 of 31 A species that is no longer living. Extinct 26 of 31 A species that is at risk of extinction. Endangered 27 of 31 Endangered in one area but populated in another. Extirpated 28 of 31 Open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.: Vulnerable 29 of 31 An ecosystem that is maintained by nature. Sustainable ecosystem 30 of 31 A large geological region defined by climate (precipitation and temperature) with a specific set of biotic and abiotic features. Biome 31 of 31
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