Shortage of food,more land being used for farming and building,more pollution,the world's resources[fossil fuels and minerals]
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B2/41.State the Agricultural influences on the environment
Use of fertiliser,Use of pesticides,Loss of habitat,Deforestation,Monoculture,Animal waste
2 of 11
B2/42.State what effects Towns and Industries have on the environment
Loss of habitat,Quarrying and extraction of raw materials,dumping of wastes,Production of toxic chemicals,Sewage
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B2/43.What can agriculture and industry produce?
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B2/44.Name some effects of agriculture
use of fertilier,use of pesticides,loss of habitat,deforestation,animal waste
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B2/45.Name some effects of towns and agriculture
loss of habitat,sewage,dumping of wastes,production of toxic chemicals,quarrying and extraction of raw materials
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B2/46..What are Lichens?
Indicator Species
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B2/47.Why is it important to conserve wildlife?
Species may be useful in the future in the development of new medicines,Many species could represent future food supplies,Humans have a duty to conserve the environment for future generations to enjoy,Humans should consider damage not just to individ
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B2/48.What are some things humans do to restrict fishing and taking wood too much?
Quotas,Education,Fines, Replanting
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B2/49.What is Sustainable development?
Means using resources for human needs without harming the environment.If these resources are taken from our environment and not replaced, this use is unsustainable
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B2/50.Name some methods of conservation protection to stop hunting and trade 2.protect habitats for species to live in artificial ecosystems replacing destroyed ones 4. seedbanks to store seeds from rare plants 5.captive breeding in zoos to increase population to make p
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
B2/41.State the Agricultural influences on the environment
Use of fertiliser,Use of pesticides,Loss of habitat,Deforestation,Monoculture,Animal waste
Card 3
B2/42.State what effects Towns and Industries have on the environment
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