More than one day, example is the menstrual cycle.
2 of 6
Ultradian Rhythm
Less than one day, example is sleep and the stages of sleep.
3 of 6
Siffre 1975
6 month isolation study inside a cave with no exogenous zeitgebers where he found that his circadian rhythm was approx 25hrs but exogenous zeitgebers change our internal clock to 24hrs.
4 of 6
Exogneous Zeitgebers
External cues such as light or sound.
5 of 6
Endogenous Pacemakers
Free running internal mechanism
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
More than one day, example is the menstrual cycle.
Infradian Rhythm
Card 3
Less than one day, example is sleep and the stages of sleep.
Card 4
6 month isolation study inside a cave with no exogenous zeitgebers where he found that his circadian rhythm was approx 25hrs but exogenous zeitgebers change our internal clock to 24hrs.
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