
  • Created by: MariaC5
  • Created on: 15-01-18 10:42
Biotechnology is the - of - processes for - and other purposes, especially - - of microorganisms for the - of antibiotics.
exploitation, biological, industrial, genetic manipulation, production
1 of 33
What % of all antibiotics are produced by microorganism?
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Two examples of antibiotic producing bacteria are?
Streptomyces bacteria & filamentous fungi
3 of 33
Production of the antibiotic penicillin requires precise control of what?
4 of 33
The final product of - is - to - a variety of - -
Penicillin, modified, yield, semisynthetic penicillins
5 of 33
Amino acids, lycine and glutamin are used in what industry?
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Amino acids are typically produced using?
Regulatory mutants
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Regulatory mutants have the reduced ability to?
Limit synthesis of an end product
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Glutamic acid is produced by mutants of...
Corynebacterium & glutamicium
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Organic acids are principally used for what?
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Aspergillus niger is used to produce what?
Citric acid
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Production of Aspergillus niger is influenced by concentration of?
Trace elements
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What are biopolymers used for?
To modify flow characteristics of liquids and to serve as gelling agents
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(Biopolymers) Lactic acid bacteria produces what?
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(Biopolymers) Erwinia spp. produces what?
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(Biopolymers) Acetobacter produces what?
Cellulose microfibrils
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(Biopolymers) Fungal produces what?
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How is bioethanol produced?
From degradation of plant starches in corn
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What is used to break down the starch in corn?
Amylases and amylogluocosidases
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After amylases and amyloglucosidases break down starch, it is followed by?
Microbial fermentation of remaining sugars
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Bioethanol drives crop prices down?
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What is defined as - microorganisms that produce methane as a metabolic byproduct in anoxic conditions?
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Hydrogen has -- more potential energy per unit weight than petrol
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What can be produced as a direct product of microbial fermentation?
Hydrogen gas
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Humans screen the natural - for - with the - properties for - applications
biosphere, microbes, desired, biotechnology
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What is genetic manipulation used for?
To produce microorganisms with new and desirable characteristics
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Production strains are?
Microbial strain currently used to generate the product of interest
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Functional genes cloned into different species is?
Heterologous gene expression
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What is produced either in yeast (usually S. cerevisiae) or E. coli
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Antibacterial peptide cloned into yeast to control bacterial contaminants during wine fermentation
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What is one of the newest approaches for creating new metabolic capabilities in a given microorganism for gene of interest
Directed evolution
31 of 33
What is used for study of genetic diversity of un-culturable microbes in the biosphere?
Metagenomics & bioprospecting
32 of 33
Biosensors are used for?
The detection of an analyte
33 of 33

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What % of all antibiotics are produced by microorganism?



Card 3


Two examples of antibiotic producing bacteria are?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Production of the antibiotic penicillin requires precise control of what?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The final product of - is - to - a variety of - -


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