Bipolar and Related Disorder

  • Created by: germimuh
  • Created on: 11-05-22 20:47
What are the types of bipolar and related disorders?
Unipolar (depression)
Bipolar (mania and depression)
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What are the symptoms of unipolar depression?
Depressed mood for most of the day
Diminished pleasure in most activities
Reduced concentration
Feelings of worthlessness
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What are the symptoms of bipolar mania?
Episodes of manic behaviour that cannot be accounted for by a physical condition
Episodes similar to unipolar depression
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What is the measure of depression?
Beck Depression Inventory
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What is the Beck Depression Inventory?
21-item questionnaire that covers a range of symptoms of depression e.g loss of interest, fatigue and irritability. Each statement has a 4 point scale to choose from. The points are tallied and the higher the points, the more severe the depression
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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Beck Depression Inventory?
Strength: The scale has been validated and is a long-standing measure of depression so is accurate
Weakness: Relies on self-report, depressed people have a distorted view of themself and the world around them
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What is the genetic explanation for depression?
The idea that depression may run in families and is encoded in genetics
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How is the genetic explanation for depression best tested?
Twin studies
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What did McGuffin et al (1996) find in twins where one twin is diagnosed with depression?
46% of monozygotic (identical) twins and 20% of dizygotic twins were also diagnosed with depression.
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What is the neurochemical explanation for depression?
Low levels of norepinephrine and serotonin may be the cause of depression
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Who investigated the neurochemical explanation for depression and when?
Oruc et al 1998
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What was the method used by Oruc et al?
Assessed DNA polymorphisms in the serotonin receptors and transporter genes of 42 bipolar depressives and 49 healthy controls.
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What were the results of the study by Oruc et al?
No significant differences between the two groups, but females more likely to show both polymorphisms, which could explain why females are more susceptible to bipolar disorder
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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study by Oruc et al?
Strength: Objective measurements = valid findings + replicability
Weakness: Result may be culturally specific as all participants Belgian
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Who investigated the cognitive explanation for depression and when?
Beck 1979
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What are the three factors of Beck's cognitive triad?
- Negative view of self
- Negative view of the world
- Negative view of the future
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What is learned helplessness?
Individuals become passive because they feel they are not in control of their own life.
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What causes the development of learned helplessness
Past unpleasant experiences that the person was not able to control, making them feel helpless which leads to depression
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Who and what founded the idea of learned helplessness?
Seligman (1974) gave dogs unavoidable electric shocks. They all became passive and seemed to accept the painful situation they were in. In future trials when there was opportunity to escape, they didn't.
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Who investigated signs of learned helplessness?
Seligman et al 1988
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What was the sample used by Seligman et al?
39 unipolar depressives
12 bipolar depressives
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What was the method used by Seligman et al?
All participants completed the attributional style questionnaire at the start and end of therapy, and then one year later. The questionnaire asks people to make causal attributions for 12 hypothetical events.
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What were the results of the study by Seligman et al?
A pessimistic explanatory style for bad events correlated significantly with severity of depression at all three points. Explanatory style AND symptoms of depressive improved.
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What can be concluded from the study by Seligman et al?
It is explanatory style that requires changing in depressive patients via cognitive therapy to help them improve their mental health
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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study by Seligman et al?
Strength: Good application
Weakness: Questionnaire leaves doubt for validity as participants may not have been honest
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What are the two most commonly used antidepressants and their main side effects?
Selective Sertonergic Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs); fatigue, headaches, insomnia
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs); hypertension, dizziness, nausea
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Who came up with cognitive restructuring as a treatment plan for depression and when?
Beck 1979
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What are the six steps to cognitive restructuring? 1/2
1. Therapist explains purpose of the therapy
2. Client taught to monitor automatic negative thoughts and self-schema
3. Client taught to use behavioural techniques to challenge negative thoughts
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What are the six steps to cognitive restructuring? 2/2
4. Therapist and client explore how negative thoughts are responded to by the client
5. Dysfunctional beliefs are identified and challenged
6. Therapy ends with client having the necessary cognitive tools to repeat the process alone
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Who created rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and when?
Ellis 1962
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What is the ABC model for REBT?
A ctivating event; a fact, behaviour, attitude or event
B eliefs about the activating event
C ognitive response & emotions to the activating event
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What did Sava et al do?
Compared REBT, CBT and use of prozac. Participants all had 14 weeks of therapy, and completed the beck depression inventory before, 7 and 14weeks after therapy. No significant differences but prozac cost more.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Depressed mood for most of the day
Diminished pleasure in most activities
Reduced concentration
Feelings of worthlessness


What are the symptoms of unipolar depression?

Card 3


Episodes of manic behaviour that cannot be accounted for by a physical condition
Episodes similar to unipolar depression


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Card 4


Beck Depression Inventory


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Card 5


21-item questionnaire that covers a range of symptoms of depression e.g loss of interest, fatigue and irritability. Each statement has a 4 point scale to choose from. The points are tallied and the higher the points, the more severe the depression


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