Set of ideas, values and beliefs that provide a means of interpreting the world, and represents the outlook, and justifies the purpose of a social group.
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What three criteria is ideology commonly associated with?
1. False or partially complete view of the world 2. Provides interpretation 3. Justifies interests of particular social and political groups.
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Name the four different conceptions of ideology.
1. Pluralist, 2. Marxist, 3. Patriarchal 4. Political
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Summarise pluralist ideology.
Many different types of social group, with own ideologies, living alongside each other; no monopoly.
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Define pluralism.
Pluralism: exercise of power in society as reflecting social interests w/ power spread among wide variety of competing interest groups and individuals. no monopoly of power
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One criticism of Pluralist ideology.
Denies uneqal distribution of power in society, and that not all social groups are equally able to influence those with power or get their views accepted as part of the prevailing vision in society.
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Define Marxism in terms of ideology
Marxists believe ideas are linked to societal position. Ideology reflects ideas of dominant class; beliefs and values of powerful groups. Gramsci - Hegemony: process by which the ruling class through dominant ideology maintains its power.
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Which three sociologists argue that there is a dominant ideology in society?
Gramsci, Mannheim and Althusser
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What does Mannheim associate dominant ideology with?
The deliberate obscuring of facts in order to conceal inequalities of capitalist society and to preserve existing patterns of inequality and the privileged position of the upper class.
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Define Patriarchal ideology.
Feminist idea; ideas that try to support and justify the power of men in patriarchal society. Beliefs e.g men more superior, logical, less emotional. Women more suited to childcare and nurturing
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Define political ideologies
An ideology that provides an analysis and interpretation of how society should work and suggests how power should be used by gov to influence events and change society.
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