Bits about textiles 0.0 / 5 ? Design & TechnologytextilesASAQA Created by: AbigailCreated on: 20-01-14 17:11 Polye___ buttons are used for shi___, blo___ and und___ Polyester, shirts, blouses and underwear 1 of 27 Ny__ buttons are used for co___, jac___, spo___ and leisu____ Nylon, coats, jackets, sportswear and leisurewear 2 of 27 Pla___ zips are ligh_____, used for fine fab___ and hous____ products like cus___ Plastic, lightweight, fabrics, household, cushions 3 of 27 Metal ho__ and ey___ are used for tro____ and ski___ Hooks and eyes, trousers and skirts 4 of 27 One off production is made by an individual des____ Designer 5 of 27 One off production meets a cli___ requ____ Clients requirements 6 of 27 The end product is always more exp____ than other high street garments Expensive 7 of 27 This is because the lab___ costs more Labour 8 of 27 Examples include, ha__, ba___, cu___, dr___(wed___), uni___s Hats, bags, cushions, dresses (wedding), uniforms 9 of 27 Has a certain un___ ap___ that many find attractive Unique appeal 10 of 27 The main disadvantages would be high pr___ and it doesn't always follow up-to-date fa___ trends Prices, fashion 11 of 27 Ba___ production has fixed quantities, two methods are called 'Mi___ through' and Qu__ Re___ Batch, Make Through, Quick Response 12 of 27 For the 'Make Through' method, an op___ carries out the main constr___ while other ski___ individuals to the fin___ process like over____ Operator, construction, skilled, finishing, overlocking 13 of 27 The Quick Reponse method include _-10 skilled people who sha___ responsibility for pr___ batches, this results in high qual___ products 8-10, share, produced, quality 14 of 27 Qua__ is planned ahead, this method uses just stan___ pat___, mat___, comp___ Quality, standard, patterns, materials, components 15 of 27 Ma__ Production is for shops who have high de___ Mass, demand 16 of 27 This method is used to suit a range of si__ Sizes 17 of 27 It is very co__ eff___ Cost effective 18 of 27 Certain products are aimed at certain ta___ mar___ gr___ Target Market Groups 19 of 27 The use of Quick Response is also used here due to the hi__ vol___ of products High volume 20 of 27 Prog___ Bundle Unit operations are set up to follow a seq___ of producing a particular gar___ style Progressive, sequence, garment 21 of 27 Unit Produ___ Sys___ (UPS) uses com___ technology which controls a powered rai_ that transpo___ work in progress from different operators Production System, computer, rail, transports 22 of 27 This method keeps track of ord___ and significantly reduces wo__ Orders, work 23 of 27 Quality control checks are taken consi____ Consistantly 24 of 27 Again uses stand___ patterns, fab___ and comp___ Standard, fabric, components 25 of 27 This mass production method also allows fabric from a pre___ sea___ to be continued into the next one Previous, season 26 of 27 Rea__-to-wea_ products (off the rack) Ready-to-wear 27 of 27
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