Black Panther

  • Created by: brodda221
  • Created on: 29-02-24 10:42
product context
made by marvel studios
17th video in the franchise
subsidiary company of walt Disney
marvel is vertically and horizontally intergraded as they can distribute and produce products
large budget and high production values
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what is Disney's 360 degree marketing campaign
it means their marketing is everywhere you look such as posters, trailers, online advertising, merchandise and actors on chat shows
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how did Disney work with Hasbro
released loads of action figures and toys to target younger audiences and families
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how did Disney work with Lexus
releasing two limited edition black panther themed cars which helped to target the older male audience
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how did disney work with Kendrick Lamar
Marvel released a soundtrack with disney and Kendrick Lamar target his fans and young black males
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how did Disney use trailers
they produced several trailers released on television, online and in cinemas. they used these to show the best parts of the film and tease the narrative to make the viewers want to watch the film
shown in the ad break of the Superbowl
released onto YouTu
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when was the film released
october Black history month which lead them to market the film as a cultural event
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how did disney work with new York fashion week
Wakanda inspired clothing being shown off on the runway and helps target female audiences
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how did disney use Twitter
they used hashtags posts and teasers of the film
most tweeted film ever
over 35 million tweets
live stream Q&A sessions
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how is Hesmondhalgh risk theory applied to marvel
As marvel have found the successful formula/ genre/ universe it helps reduce risk and maximise profits
this is due to: pre sold audiences, global conglomerate, famous actors, popular genre and detailed marketing campaign
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curran and Seaton-The idea that media concentration generally limits or inhibits variety, creativity and quality
niche film for marvel due to:
all black cast
lesser known marvel character and costs a lot to make
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Black panther regulation
12A certificate by the BBFC in the UK
lots of violence and fighting but is fantasy based leading it to having a lower certificate.
however the regulation was challenging as it had to be global and different countries have different and stricter regulation
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how where the posters published
there was a range of posters with individuals and groups to help target different and more diverse audiences
the poster in China didn't show Chadwick Bosman's' face due to their attitudes towards race is very negative
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Card 2


what is Disney's 360 degree marketing campaign


it means their marketing is everywhere you look such as posters, trailers, online advertising, merchandise and actors on chat shows

Card 3


how did Disney work with Hasbro


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Card 4


how did Disney work with Lexus


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Card 5


how did disney work with Kendrick Lamar


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