body soul and mind 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: megpaldinoCreated on: 26-01-17 16:46 this person believes that the soul is the anima aquinas 1 of 14 theory arguing there is no seperate part of the body called a soul materialism 2 of 14 theory arguing there is a soul and body that are seperate dualism 3 of 14 hard materialist dawkins 4 of 14 the ghost in the machine ryle 5 of 14 this dualist doesnt believe in afterlife aristotle 6 of 14 the soul lived before in the world of the forms scholar plato 7 of 14 scholar believes we can doubt our existence Descartes 8 of 14 aquinas believes the soul can go here after death purgatory 9 of 14 plato calls the body this cage 10 of 14 a version of materialism that accepts not all aspects are physical softmaterialism 11 of 14 dawkins says humans are robotvehicles 12 of 14 ryle says the idea of the soul was a categorymistake 13 of 14 dawkins believes personal identity comes from DNA 14 of 14
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