Respects Xenia-Greets Hermes and offers him food and drink
4 of 26
Calypso Book 5
Keeps a beautiful home- decoration of home and the civilised garden
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Calypso Book 5
Contrast to Penelope - weaving at the loom
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Calypso Book 5
Saves Odysseus- Description of O at sea and being driven to Calypso's island
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Calypso Book 5
Obedient of Gods-lets O leave when Hermes brings message from Zeus
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Calypso Book 5
Kind and generous-wants to make O immportal, takes him into her home
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Calypso Book 5
Wise and Caring-Washes+dresses O. Gives food & drink and shows him way home
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Calypso Book 5
Shows she cares-makes oath that O will not be tricked by her and not get into trouble
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Calypso Book 5
Jealous of P-wishes he didn't love a mortal over her. Compares her looks and grace.
12 of 26
Ino Book 5
Caring-saves Odysseus
13 of 26
Ino Book 5
Generous-lets O use her veil for protection
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Ino Book 5
Not very influential-Odysseus does not listen to her at first
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Odysseus Book 5
Fearful- east, south and west wind clash together rolling a great wave in front of it
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Odysseus Book 5 (Disheartened by Calypso)
"Tears and sighs and heartache, looking out across the barren sea with streaming eyes"
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Odysseus Book 5 (Disheartened by Calypso)
" His eyes were wet with weeping, as they always were"
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Odysseus Book 5 (Brave and exasperated)
Ready to face a new challenge but anxious that Gods will make him suffer again"
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Odysseus Book 5 (Liked by the gods)
Zeus tells Hermes to go and command Calypso to let O go
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Odysseus Book 5 (Depression and Misery)
Trapped on Calypso's island and cannot return to family
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Odysseus Book 5 (Cautious)
Makes Calypso swear an oath to him that she isn't plotting against him
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Odysseus Book 5 (Stalwat, despairing)
Described as being stalwart, falls to his knees and cries out in anguish
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Odysseus Book 5 (Losing hope)
His 'spirit was failing' and he was having suicidal thoughts Curses Calypso for prophecising his demise. Poseidon is getting more vicious as angry at other gods also
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Odysseus Book 5 (Self-pity)
Prays to gods 'I now turn to you after so much suffering'
25 of 26
Odysseus Book 5 (pessimistic)
Wishes he'd died in Troy with the other men
26 of 26
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Messenger of Zeus. "messenger, the giant killer"
Hermes Book 5
Card 3
Influential thanks to Zeus
Card 4
Respects Xenia-Greets Hermes and offers him food and drink
Card 5
Keeps a beautiful home- decoration of home and the civilised garden
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